NewbieNeedsHelp : How do I meal-prep?

I work as a server and have been trying to gain weights but things always go wrong.
These past couple month I suffered from stomach acid reflux and heartburns so I had a difficult time eating and digesting food properly and I recently feel better. However tonight I weighed myself and I found myself lost 7-8 lbs already.

My work schedule is not stable. Normally starts at noon or 6PM and I sleep late.

Anyways, the point is that I want to have some quality food and gain weights but the thing is I don't know how do meal-prep. Like what kind of food do you guys eat when you are bulking ? And regarding to my stomach issues I cannot have acidic foods like tomato or anything that might cause or worsen heartburns.

I really need some help!! A youtube video or a list would be great. Also what foods do you guys snack when you are at work/school in order to get extra calories ? My work is kind of intensive so I burn lots of calories at work.

And THANK YOU GUYS for checking my post and thanks for the help/ tip in advance !!!

from Forums - Nutrition

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