Is my nutrition causing me trouble?

hello guys. 6’2” weight 153, 26 male.
history of low testosterone (100-300 from several labs) i got a microadenoma. endos wont deal with it but they offered trt and tbh i want to optimize my lifestyle with proper nutrition sleep and training before trt. i do have a doubt. maybe my nutrition is causing me low test? i was eating 2800 for a month and stayed the same. now im eating 3000 (started this week) trying to figure out a small surplus.

training: greyskull lp, one day of cardio, 20-30ish hours standing and little walking at work. 2 hours walking outside (when i have time)

diet 3k calories.
protein: chicken salmon ground beef eggs
carbs: potato, sweet potato pasta oats bread
veggies: carrots broc**** cauliflour onion
fruits: apple papaya strawberry banana
fats: pb olive oil coconut oil butter (natural) cheese

symptoms: insomnio, ED, low libido, no motivation, the typical low test symptoms.

how do i know if i have allegies towards a food?

protein: 155
carbs: 387 ish
fats:90 ish
fiber: 50 ish
sugar: 100 ish

from Forums - Nutrition

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