This is going to be a bit lengthy post. But I'd appreciate if you could give me some advice.
I am 20 years old. My height is 5 feet 4 inches. I've always been the skinny type of guy. So last month I made a commitment and I decided to gain muscle mass through workouts, eating more and eating healthy.
I started working on my goal from 16th September, 2018 and I weighed 114 lbs back then. As I was just starting out with such planned diet, I set my preliminary goal to 120 lbs - at a 0.5 lbs gain per week.
I set my calorie goal to 1600 calories per day (which is around 15calories/lbs). And my macronutrients setting was 50% carb, 20% protein and 30% fat.
Before, I used to do workouts once in a while. But now its been part of my daily routine. I don't have access to a gym, so I mostly do simple bodyweight exercises like push ups, ab crunches, planks and pull ups. Besides, I'm a college student, so I have to do around 45 minutes of walking at moderate speed everyday.
And I've been seeing weight gains throughout the last month. My current weight is 118.4 lbs. So I've gained 4.4 lbs in around 30 days (1.1 lbs/week).
Now I'm concerned about what I am gaining. I live in Bangladesh, which is a Southeast Asian country. And white rice is the staple food here. So most of my calories are coming from carbohydrates.
I've been tracking my daily calorie intake with an app since the beginning. And last month's data shows that on average, I'm eating 75% carb,15% protein and 10% fat.
The problem is that I'm living in a hostel and I can't do much to balance my calorie intake. I try my best, but most of the time I consume more carbs than recommended.
My weight remained 114 lbs for about a year and now I've gained 4 pounds in a month. Yeah, I know I've been giving my heart out in the exercises for the first time. But still there's a concern in me of gaining fat.
My question is:
Am I gaining fat instead of muscle mass from these extra carbohydrate?
Should I continue like this?
Or should I cut on carbs and calories to balance the diet?
I am 20 years old. My height is 5 feet 4 inches. I've always been the skinny type of guy. So last month I made a commitment and I decided to gain muscle mass through workouts, eating more and eating healthy.
I started working on my goal from 16th September, 2018 and I weighed 114 lbs back then. As I was just starting out with such planned diet, I set my preliminary goal to 120 lbs - at a 0.5 lbs gain per week.
I set my calorie goal to 1600 calories per day (which is around 15calories/lbs). And my macronutrients setting was 50% carb, 20% protein and 30% fat.
Before, I used to do workouts once in a while. But now its been part of my daily routine. I don't have access to a gym, so I mostly do simple bodyweight exercises like push ups, ab crunches, planks and pull ups. Besides, I'm a college student, so I have to do around 45 minutes of walking at moderate speed everyday.
And I've been seeing weight gains throughout the last month. My current weight is 118.4 lbs. So I've gained 4.4 lbs in around 30 days (1.1 lbs/week).
Now I'm concerned about what I am gaining. I live in Bangladesh, which is a Southeast Asian country. And white rice is the staple food here. So most of my calories are coming from carbohydrates.
I've been tracking my daily calorie intake with an app since the beginning. And last month's data shows that on average, I'm eating 75% carb,15% protein and 10% fat.
The problem is that I'm living in a hostel and I can't do much to balance my calorie intake. I try my best, but most of the time I consume more carbs than recommended.
My weight remained 114 lbs for about a year and now I've gained 4 pounds in a month. Yeah, I know I've been giving my heart out in the exercises for the first time. But still there's a concern in me of gaining fat.
My question is:
Am I gaining fat instead of muscle mass from these extra carbohydrate?
Should I continue like this?
Or should I cut on carbs and calories to balance the diet?
from Forums - Nutrition
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