Nutrition Help Please :(

Im 22 years old and an EMT. I work 3 days one week and the next week I work 4. I work from 6:30 Pm to 6:30 AM. I'm planning on going to the fire academy first thing next year and want to get into the best shape ever, I'm a mesomorph. Im already quite skinny with a bit of belly fat. So far its been 9 days since i started my diet but I'm now changing it up because previously it wasn't the best...
So at the moment my training isn't the issue, i just need my nutrition to be tip top. Here's my new plan so far but I still don't like it. I NEED more fiber and im afraid of over carbing. So far its a high carb, moderate pro and low fat diet. Take note I'm doing cardio twice a day on my days off (2.80 miles total) and running once on my work days. (1.40 miles) I train hard on my off days and its basic training on my work days since I get about 4 hours of sleep.

Help me out please, feel free to add nutrition tips and tricks, trying to eat the least meals as i can while hitting carbs and protein goals.
Meal 1: protein shake, half cup oats, 1 cup almond milk
Meal 2: 3 eggs, 3 pieces of ham, black beans
Meal 3: salmon
Meal 4: chicken and 2 cups rice, veggie shake.
I hit my carb/protein but not my fiber intake, its pretty low and eating more fiber means more carbs im not tryna intake. Do you think i should take a fiber supplement or just say screw it and eat more fruit till I reach my fiber intake?

from Forums - Nutrition

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