Need Serious Help Regarding Carbs & overall diet :(

Hello everyone,

As i'm new here, posting my 2nd thread as questions are dandling in minds. I have been reading about Carbs lately, before all this i had common concept that carbs = weight put on & now it totally opposite as almost everyone explained about carbs as important as protein specially post workout. What i don't understand is my body needs for carbs (yes i have read many articles and i am confuse). My weight is 117 lbs and i'm doing cardio in morning and muscle training in night, taking whey post workout but I don't really understand what are my exact requirements regarding carbs! And whatever the requirements are, then next question pops in that what are the best options for me when it comes to carbs, what to take, what not to take, what in breakfast, what in lunch, what about post work out after whey? These question are haunting me and I'm here now :(

I have seen many people helping everyone, i hope someone of you will surely help me.

P.S = I recently lost round about 66 lbs in 1 and half month (used totally off the road ways). Plus everytime i eat anything it feels like i'm constipated after few hours, this is main reason i am so much concern about all this.


from Forums - Nutrition

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