Need advice on my Meal Plan

Hello Gym Friends,

I would love to share with you my plan as I'm worried whether its any good/effective.
Here's my 5-day meal plan that I'm currently designing/using and I would like to perfect it to achieve the best results. I would love to hear your comments and advice on how I can improve it. I'm exercising 3 to 5 times a week.

My main goal is to build a nice foundation and develop athletic/bodybuilding physique. I don't want to be super huge, but I want to have nice big muscles with high definition (low body fat).
I wear a lot of shirts, suits and now starting to wear braces so I want to look good in them.
The meals I provided here is pretty much what I strictly eat Mon-Friday with at least 2-3L of water. I have some coffee, tea during the day but no sugar. Also, I eat some fruits. On the weekends I tend to eat helthy but I get more creative with food.

I currently weight 73kg at 183cm height, I have attached picture of how I currently look, definitely planning on improving that chest and work more on abs.

* 100g muesli which has 460 calories and (21) protein
* 25g peanut butter has roughly 100 calories and (6) protein
* 150g fat-free Greek yogurt which has roughly 100 calories (10) protein
* Protein Shake 100 calories and (21) protein
---- This brings my breakfast to 760 calories and (57g) protein

Breakfast option 2:
2-3 Fried Eggs, two slices of high protein bread (9g protein per slice)
* Protein Shake 100 calories and (21) protein

* 70g pack of nuts/sunflower seeds which has roughly 400 calories and (15)g protein
* Protein Shake 100 calories and (21) protein
---- This brings my luch to 500 calories and (36)g protein

2h before workout
* Protein Shake 100 calories and (21) protein

Dinner: ( 4h before workout)
* 150g meat (beef, pork, chicken) which roughly has 360 calories and (30)g protein
* Basmati Rice/Pasta/Cosccous, I think 200g?
* Possibly some sort of sauce
*** Also 100-200g of green beans, kidney beans, black beans --> possibly other veggies like peppers, broc****

Post Workout
* Protein Shake 100 calories and (21) protein

Dinner 2: ( 30min h after workout)
* 150g meat (beef, pork, chicken) which roughly has 360 calories and (30)g protein
* Basmati Rice/Pasta/Cosccous, I think 200g?
* Possibly some sort of sauce
*** Also 100-200g of green beans, kidney beans, black beans --> possibly other veggies like peppers, broc****
And also maybe another Protein Shake.

How is this for a meal plan?
Am I eating too much or too litle of something?
It is okay to consume 4-5 protein shakes to fill the protein and calories?
Should I eat more veg?
Other coments?

Thank you so much for your time! I really appreciate it.
Attached Images

from Forums - Nutrition

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