How should I maintain my Carbohydrate intake for cutting ?

I workout for 5 days week for about 1 hour, I play futsal twice a week for about 3 hours total. My weight is about 76kg and height is 5 feet 9 inch. Currently, I am following this diet plan

Whey Protein 1 Scoop
1 Apple (100 - 150GM)
3 Egg White
4 Slice Multigrain Brown Bread (Weight 100gm)
1 Spoon Peanut Butter (Have about 80 Calories, 8 gm fat, 4 gm protein, 2gm Carb)
White Rice - 60gm
Veggies, - Have about 300-400 Calories
Curd - 200gm
Oats - 40gm
Almonds - 6
2 Egg White, 1 Whole Egg
White Rice - 60gm
Veggies - 200 cal
Chicken Breast - 100gm

I want to cut some fat to make abs visible, I think my current body fat is about 15-16%. How should I adjust my diet plan?

from Forums - Nutrition

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