Prepping for first bulk of my life. How is my macro plan?

I've never purposely ate at anything near a caloric surplus before, but did some modest research. I'd appreciate any input on my calories/macros.

6'3", 36 yr old
1/1/18 was about 250 lbs, 25%++ bf%.
7/1/18 was about 215 lbs, 16% bf%

Goal is to get to about 12.5%, and then lean/slow bulk, which I think is about 199. I will reevaluate once I'm there in case I need to cut a few more lbs.

I've been lifting: at first SS 3-4 day/WK and now PPL 5-6 day/WK. Goal is hypertrophy/aesthetics. Progressive overload, etc.

Bulk plan, once I get to about 199 lbs:

TDEE est: 3120 (based on 199 lbs, moderate weekly exercise)

Calorie goal: 3120*1.1= 3432
Protein: 1g/lb = 199g = 796 Cal
Fat: .4g/lb = 80g = 720 Cal
Carbs = 479g = 1916 Cal

Carbs seem crazy high , but probably because I'm used to cutting those mostly.

I'll keep weighing daily and aim to gain about 2lbs/month. I'll adjust calories as needed to hit this.

All input appreciated. Thanks!

from Forums - Nutrition

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