[PIC] Naturally too muscular without doing any sports?! Help

Hello, I am new here and created an account just to ask this question.

I am 23 year old woman and have never really played sports in my life (except gym class at school) BUT I have the body of someone that has being training a lot. I have really defined arms and broad shoulders. My legs also have a lot of muscles even though it is hidden by the fat when I am relaxed.

I don't really like it on me and that it why I want to change it. I don't really want to be skinnier or anything but I would like to have a more slender/feminine look.

Anyone knows why I could be so muscled when I don't even do anything ? How can I loose these muscles ? Any tips ?
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from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2K7OAp1


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