Do I need supplements with my current diet?

Hi. I'm currently 220 pounds and 6.1 ft. I want to lose fat and have leaner muscle mass. I created this diet program and I would like to know if anything else is necessary besides exercise of course.

Pre-workout meals are:

1- Breakfast: 4 egg whites and bowl of oats with low-fat milk.
2- Snack: apple or banana.
3- Launch: 200g of white rice and 200g of chicken breasts.

post workout:

Dinner: One tablespoon of low-fat cheese and 3 slices of lite turkey.

You see of course my main meals separated by 3 to 4 hours.

I currently workout every day with no day off for the first 3 weeks. I do weight lifting then I do high-intensity cardio.

I wanna know, should I include anything else in my diet? And how long can I wait to see results? Thanks.

from Forums - Nutrition


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