All about gaining weight and building muscle for Hardgainers.

Hello fellow hardgainers.
I promise you this is worth your time and will be a big help so read fully.

Being one of the skinny guys with fast metabolism and low appetite and small stomach to handle the food was one of the hardest times for me , after many many researches and informative videos and my own mistakes i finally can say what works and what does not, whats a myth and what is real ... and i can say that my information would be a good help to others now . So lets get into the important thing first :

Calories . Thats literally the key to open the door of a whole lotta gains , and its as simple as calories in calories out , You HAVE to eat more calories than you burn . MyFitnessPal is an app to count calories in almost anything you eat , and it can calculate the calories you need to eat daily after setting your body info , or simply start at 2600 calories and if you didnt see weight gain in a week add 200-300 calories and try for another week until you see change , for me 3200 on rest days is the sweet spot , so dont stop trying cuz you are not any different and you have a caloric surplus point you just have to keep adding , and the other way around if you noticed gaining ALOT of fat then keep dropping calories by 300 until you see that you are not gaining as much fat .

IMPORTANT : Higher calorie surplus does not mean more muscle gain , being 500 calories up your maintenance will give you full potential muscle building at such a small fat gain , remember that you will gain fat during the bulk thats totally natural but if its more than the muscle gains then you are eating alot higher than your calorie target.

Now , where to get you calories from ? Its actually up to you , its all about being flexible with your diet and not getting sick of how restricted your diet gotta be and then get unmotivated , so if you reach your calories goal by only eating Bread or only eating Doritos you will gain the same weight.

**but if you can doesnt mean you should, you have to eat healthy foods for the vitamins and minerals and proteins , we dont wanna fix something and ruin something else as our health.
And it does not matter how you schedule your meal times or how many calories each meal has and doesnt effect the final result.

Carbs and fats : it does not matter if you get all your calories from either one of them or mixed , but i always prefered high carb diet because ofc its a great source of energy and generally its from a tasty foods :) .

PROTEIN : alot of people understimate how much protein their body needs and think they are eating enough , this is the most important element in building muscle so you dont wanna miss out on this , 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of body weight (2.2gram per 1kg bodyweight) works wonders and enough to build muscle and higher protein is not better.

Food before and after workout : eating high Carb foods helps alot in the workouts because its a fast source of energy so eating at least 30g of carbs before workout is really helpful at least for me. And 30g of carbs after a workout is great to spike your insulin level which will be a great use as it increases protein synthesis which is essential for building muscle. You can spike your insulin by eating fats too but it will take a bigger meal to get as fast and as high of a spike in compare to carbs.
Eating protein before the workout has been shown in researches to increase muscle builing but eating protein after the workout is more important to help with the protein synthesis and muscle recovery.

My opinion on supplements : You dont need any type of supplement to gain weight or gain muscle no matter what anybody tells you and tries to sell you . Cause its all a game of sales and rip-off.

Are supplements helpful ? : some supplements can be of a big help and ease your way to your gains

CREATINE monohydrates : creatine is one of the most researched supplements and proven in many ways to help building muscle as it pulls water to the muscles and as we know the water makes 75% of our muscles and thats very important to keep the muscles well hydrated , and many many proven benefits of creatine. Timing doesnt matter all that much on when to take creatine but i take 5grams after workout.

WHEY : whey in my opinion makes the most sense out of any other supplement , high quality protein source and cheapest protein for a buck , and super easy to consume, enough said.

MASS GAINERS: i have took mass gainers in my very start of weight gaining journey because as i said not a big eater and had trouble catching up with my calories as i had a busy schedule , i dont recomment mass gainers as first option , but as the final option if you have really no time to eat or cant eat big meals then for sure mass gainers are easy calories to drink specially with milk you will hit high calorie numbers.

Eating tip: what worked for me is waking up earlier than usual so i had more time to eat and rest between meals , try waking up earlier and eating smaller meals at different times and throw some snacks in between , it will ease the eating proccess for you which is the hardest thing.

As for the Lifting part :
The most important thing in building muscle is progressive overload, and that means lifting in higher volume each time , higher volume means more weight lifted overall , either by adding more reps or adding more weight to the plates , researches show that training with 85% of your one rep max stimulates muscle growth the most , meaning lifting weight that you can do 4-6 reps with and no more , start with a weight you can do 4 reps with , and when you reach 6 reps with that weight , add more weight that you can do 4 reps with.
If you gaining strength but not size then you are not eating enough calories or protein.
As for frequency ... training each body part twice a week have been shown to be the better idea and doing more than than will lead to over-training and will tear muscles more than your body can repair and will give you a hard time recovering from.

I hope this has been a help for anyone as i tried to write everything important and essential i can think of at the moment.

If you have any question or need any help in something i didnt include in here feel free to comment here or contact me on facebook: /prasmer

Goodluck to everybody and have a joyful journey , and father forgive me for these gains im about to recieve , Wheymen.

from Forums - Nutrition

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