
I'm pretty sure I have IBS... I can't sit down for longer than 20 mins before my abdomen starts to burn. I have to loosen off my pants and then still that doesnt help much, the lightest brushing across my abdomen feels like someone giving me a chinese burn. I have to leave my desk and stand up for a while or if im at home go have a lay down. I'm tired of this, cant live with this anymore, it needs to stop. Im having to find a new job where I can be stood up all day so that I can work.

I don't have any symptoms of diarrhea or stomach ache. Its just this burning sensation when I sit down and moderate constipation and bloating.

I did go to the doctors a year or so back and at first they thought it was a hernia. So i had tests done, ultrasound etc and they told me it was not a hernia. The doctor told me I had probably pulled a muscle and that I should lay off doing weights for a month or so until it heals.

So I stopped doing weights for about 6 weeks and layed off the heavy diet and voila my abdomen pain went...

Here I am doing weights again and eating fairly heavily and my abdomen pain is back when i sit down. But I don't think its from the weights. I notice that the pain gets worse when I am stressed and/or on a full stomach. I also notice that when I go out drinking beer, and have little to eat, (relaxed and on empty stomach) the pain is gone when i sit down. So it seems to me that the issue arises when eating a heavy diet.

Before I go back to the doctors about this issue and potentially let them send me off on a wild goose chase, I would like to try this low fodmap diet to see if it has any effect. Problem is I also want to try to keep my protein intake high if possible. I don't want to lose any gains i've made over the past year.

Something to note is I eat every simple and i will sacrifice taste and recipes for convenience every time. So anything like 'quinoa' or 'wheatgrass' and all those hipster recipes and ingredients is not for me, unless there is no alternative.

Another important thing to note is I'm and ovo-pescatarian, so I don't eat meat other than fish and eggs. I do eat dairy. My diet usually looks something like this:


4 eggs, mild cheese, milk


brown rice, tin tuna, green beans, carrots, zuchinni. (boiled) apple


4 eggs, tablespoon peanut butter, banana, oats, mixed together into a shake


brown rice, tin tuna, green beans, carrots, zuchinni. (boiled) apple


4 quorn sausages, maybe some boiled veg (carrots, green beans, zuchinni)


cotttage cheese or quark

If anyone has any suggestions for a simple low fodmap diet that I can still get my protein needs from, or any advice, I would be very greatful.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2vgT3jU


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