Ideal diet chart on Intermittent fasting

I am have been doing Intermittent fasting for a year now. I have got amazing result through this process and I am planning to continue this for life. I am starting a 3 times a week full-body workout plan and jogging on rest days.
Workout day:
I break my fast with a shake (yogurt, apple, berries, celery, herbs) at 3PM.
Then a mix of protein powder, BCAA, and fiber mix at 4.30 pre and during workout.
Baked chicken breast (1 Lb) and frozen Broccoli (16 Oz) for Dinner as the last meal by 7PM
Rest days:
I break my fast with the same yogurt based shake at 5PM before jogging
same dinner at the same time

I am an Indian Male, 5'10", 160 Lbs. I have lost 40 Lbs recently. I still have skinny fat and I want to tone my body.
My goal is to build some lean muscle mass (nothing crazy) and reduce the body fat percentage to as low as possible.

Do I need to add some good carbs on workout days as a pre-workout meal? Some people say that carbs is needed to build muscle quicker, that makes you stronger and let you have a better workout experience. I want to confirm on that point. I am definitely going on calorie deficit. I repeat that my goal is to build lean muscle with cutting down at the same time.

from Forums - Nutrition

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