How much should I worry about nutrition

Hi, I'm pretty new to working out, I'm kinda skinny. I'm 17, 5' 9" and 150 lbs. Since I've started working out for a few months I've noticed some difference, but I feel I'm kinda at a plateau. My main goal is to eventually put on around 20 lbs, not have crazy bodybuilder muscle mass, but have a pretty good amount for a athletic physique. I know I have to at least change my diet in providing more protein to build muscle but how much do I really need to worry about all of it? Is it something that I really need to form my entire lifestyle around. I'm pretty busy and I feel a big part of my life when I go with my family and friends to a meal at a restaurant, I only eat at home a few times a week. There is effort for me to make time to just go to the gym. Do I need to do all of this macro counting and meal prepping? Or can I just continue my lifestyle but slightly change my choices and add in a few healthy snacks, protein shakes and supplements? If it is something I really need to do, I would be willing to make some changes to get to my goals, but how much of an adjustment do I really need to make?

from Forums - Nutrition

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