Do I need to add any "healthy" foods or increase/decrease frequency

I have been trying to incorporate healthier foods into my diet and was wondering if this mix of foods and eating schedule look good or need any additions/subtractions?

Every day I try to eat 1 carrot, about 1/2 a cucumber, a handful of spinach, blueberries, an orange, a kiwi, and about a teaspoon of fresh grated turmeric

3-4 times a week I eat a handful of broccoli, kale, an apple

Once a week I eat 1 avocado(in the form of guac), and some sauteed asparagus

Now obviously that is not all that I am eating, but in terms of healthier foods there is so much out there, and even with what I mentioned it is difficult to eat them all each day. I am just trying to come up with some sort of mix of good foods without trying to go crazy b/c it is impossible to regularly eat every "superfood"

Does what I mentioned look good in terms of type and frequency of foods?

from Forums - Nutrition

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