For how long can I take creatine?

I'm a beginner who is really skinny and has been working out for almost an year. I did not see any significant gains in the initial phase but then I finally realized that its mostly about the diet. I finally developed an appetite and eating as much as I can. In addition to that I am taking a weight gainer (Serious Mass by ON) with creatine (Micronized Creatine by ON), also whey protein (Syntha 6 by BSN). But since I want to build muscles from whole food, I keep the supplement intake to a minimal amount. I take a scoop of protein in the morning with breakfast. And I take half a scoop of my gainer (recommended size is 2 scoop) with 2-3 grams of creatine. And I also take 1-1.5 grams of creatine in pre-workout because it improves my workout. I have finally started to see some significant gains. It maybe because of the food, or creatine or maybe everything. My main question is how long can I keep taking the creatine like this if I'm taking it only 5 days a week about 3-4 grams in total. I did not opt for any loading phase. I started with 3 grams only and I have been taking it for almost a month.

from Forums - Nutrition


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