Does protein average out through the week?

So I don't really pay attention to timing of my meals as long as I hit my daily calorie and protein goals, I'm fine. I also know I can somewhat compensate for a lower than normal calorie day by just eating more the next day. I was wondering if this concept applied to protein (and I guess macros in general).

Say I need to hit 150g of protein a day and have the opportunity to reach 250g on a certain day, would I get away with eating 100g in the succeeding days (as long as the weekly average stays roughly the same)?

Asking this because my job involves me having 1-2 days a week where I get free unlimited food (and thus an extremely easy source of protein - can go way over my daily requirement of 150g) - and wanted to know if I could maximize these days and be a bit more relaxed on some of the remaining days of the week.

from Forums - Nutrition

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