How to determine if I need to increase carb intake

I'm 40, 5'6 180lbs approx 22% body fat.

Aim is to lose fat up until I'm around 15% body fat.

I've seen the bodybuilding calculator for protein, fat and carbs which recommends 174gms of protein and carbs, 30gms fat.

I've usually stayed around 110gms of carbs based on what I've read on the internet about losing fat quickly. 180gms protein, 70gms fat.

This worked but then two things happened, I eventually stopped losing fat and i felt pretty exhausted after workouts.

Would it be correct for me to increase my carbs to around 150-160 to give me more energy without putting fat on? I am on a calorie deficit so reading the information on this site it does seem like regardless of what macros your on, the amount of calories decides if you lose fat or not? Or is there some signal that indicates I need to increase my carb intake?

from Forums - Nutrition

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