How to include eggs into low-fat lean-bulk diet?

1 normal egg has 5g of quality fat and 7g of super-quality protein (many pros say it's the best and the one we should take).
Aside of this, I am on lean-bulk diet taking around 2800 cal a day (400g carbs, 180g protein, 55g fat).

So if I eat my usual portion of 3 eggs (up to 5) then there is no way I can achieve the 55g of fat goal. I have tried, and I can make it for a day or two, but then the rest of the day all I can eat is dry pasta or bread or rise with low-fat yogurt.
So I dropped eggs, but I know I am making a huge mistake.

Now, for the past 7 days I have been watching videos of some older pros (wining multiple worlds' titles) and they all talk about eating 10-25 eggs a day when they prepare for the contest. I do not want to go into discussion if eating so many eggs is good or bad (I think it's good), but I am not sure how they can enter 100-150g of fat and still get no fat. Some even say that eggs' fat does not count against your daily fat intake (WTF).

Can someone help me to include 3-5 eggs into daily nutrition without having fat go into the storage?

from Forums - Nutrition

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