Does anyone have a good way to portion meals when macros decline everyday? This seems to be very challenging for me to figure out. Any meal ideas that are easy to portion out would help as well. See example below.
This is the count I have in grams for Carbs/Protein/Fat respectively for each meal of the day...
Monday - 30/30/20
Tuesday/Saturday - 25/25/10
Wednesday/Friday - 20/20/10
Thursday - 18/18/10
Sunday is a continual decline with each meal as I progress throughout the day.
This is the count I have in grams for Carbs/Protein/Fat respectively for each meal of the day...
Monday - 30/30/20
Tuesday/Saturday - 25/25/10
Wednesday/Friday - 20/20/10
Thursday - 18/18/10
Sunday is a continual decline with each meal as I progress throughout the day.
from Forums - Nutrition
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