Skinny but trying to bulk, a few questions

Background (Totally optional to read, but in case you all want more of a view of what my current condition is):
Hey, guys I've started weight training a couple weeks ago. Right now, I'm still working on proper lifting form so I doubt I'll gain much muscle mass. I started dieting about a week before weight training, and before that slowly increasing my calories to build up to 3,000. Right now I average 3000 calories a day, and I have met success just like in the past when I've dieted and done bodyweight workouts. So the issue isn't eating more rn or eating healthy (I eat pretty much all the staples, and I eat primarily clean -- give or take the pizza slice or two a week). I want to gain 20 lbs by the end of the school semester and summer, I got about 5-6 months to get to my goal weight of 145 (I currently weigh 125, 5 pounds underweight - 5'9)

Apparently, according to my weight training coach I have around 4% bf -- I used one of those handheld devices so I doubt it's that accurate, so I'd say I'm in the range 14-20 bf%, since I don't really have abs (also, 4% bf is practically starving/dying right?).

So, here's my actual questions:
1.) How much weight can I ideally gain each month?
2.)If I were to get to my goal weight, would I be "flabby", given that I will probably not gain much muscle mass?
3.) How much of that weight would realistically be muscle? I plan to workout 4 times a week, however right now I go only twice because I focus more on form (so the other days -- the days not in weight training, I lift w/o weight and just the bar)
4.) I realized that I should start counting my macros, since I already make sure I eat clean and get enough calories. If I were to track macros, would it be alright to eat a little less strict? I mean like a bit of junk food every now and then, and still make decent gains while working out? (This one is more a long term question, rather than short term like everything else)

Thanks everyone, I really like working out -- and eating (something I've only learn last year when I went on my first diet). Mid last semester, I lost motivation because of some family stuff and staying all day studying at school (no time to prepare food, and I got home late so little motivation to eat) that I ended up losing a lot of weight. So right now, I really just want to put on some weight so that I can be "average" and not have to constantly know that I'm skinnier than everyone else. I'm a new member here and completely new to fitness, so forgive me if my post is long winded or sounds a bit oblivious. Also, I would love to get some tips from people who were in similar shoes (as I know many of you were and are). Thank you all

from Forums - Nutrition

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