Can't cut anymore calories! What do I do?

Hey guys, so I recently made a post stating that I was dieting and for some strange reason I couldn't drop a single pound, even though my carbs were low. My macros were around 70c/40f/120p at the time, and I have been doing about 4-5 days of cardio for 200-300 cals. After that I dropped my carbs even more and finally began starting to lose weight. I am 23 years old, 5'7, 155.4 pounds; I started my diet at 160.

So I have a 2 part question:

1. This is my third time dieting, and I've always heard that you should keep a certain set of macros unchanged at a calorie deficit and you will consistently lose weight for a few weeks with the exact same macros. However, I've noticed over the past 4 years that my body doesn't behave like that. If I make a macro change, it will drop maybe a pound the next day and then stop. If I keep the same macros for the next few days/weeks, my weight doesn't change and sometimes it actually goes up. If I have a random day of sports fun where I burn a lot of extra calories, I will drop 1-2 pounds the next day. But if I try to replicate that to continue losing weight, the weight won't budge. I never understood this, why the hell does this happen? I know you guys are experts and mostly likely have more experience than me, so I need your help with this. I've never read or heard anyone else have these same circumstances.

This leads to my main problem:

2. Because of the one time weight change for a specific macro and the fact that my carbs were low to begin with for a calorie deficit, my carbs have dropped so low that it is affecting my recovery, and my strength in the gym. I have little carbs left and I don't want to reduce them to just eating salad, not to mention I am doing 4-5 days of cardio of 200-300 cals per session. What am I supposed to do? What do you do when you have no more macros to play with? If I reset them, won't I gain weight and basically end up where I started.

from Forums - Nutrition


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