Need help hitting calorie goal..

Hi! This will be my first post here and I’m a noob at nutrition so flame me all you want as I’ve seen that it’s common here.

I’ve been working out for ~5 years on and off. I did workout 5-6 days/week two years ago due to an acl injury though. But at that time I worked out for strength and not bodybuilding due to playing american football. So I just ate everything I could to get bigger. Now that I’ve torn it again I’m back in the gym forever since I can’t play sports anymore.

Right now I’m 191cm tall and I weigh 90.5kg. My goal is to get down to 80-85kg by June and at that time have visible gains in musclemass. I can get the whole workout part right but nutritionwise I’m an infant.

I’m using MyFitnessPal to track my calorie intake and I used an IIFYM website to get my number of calories/day. According to the IIFYM website I should eat 2400cal/day to lose 0.8-1kg/week.

My issue:

I eat a 324cal breakfast consisting of 3 medium skzed eggs on 3 ”Swedish rye bread” (we call it knäckebröd but idk what it’s called in english). With a pinch of salt for added taste. I’m assuming this is where the issue starts.

For lunch and dinner I eat an added amount of 400g of chicken, I measure 1.6dl of uncooked rice and cook it and I drink two protein shakes over those two meals that add upp to 74g of protein powder. These two meals combined give me 1212cal.

864cal is missing and I don’t know what to add so that I reach my goal. I understand that I should eat more during my breakfast but should I go as far as eating a 500cal+ breakfast?

What foods/snacks can I eat to freach my goal?

As I stated earlier, I am a total infant when it comes to nutrition and I don’t even know if 2400cal is too much or too little. I’m 191cm and weigh 90.5kg as of now. Atleast I’ve lost .5kg over three days.

Edit: I read that I should multiply my calorie goal that I get from iifym by 0.9. That gives me 2100cal instead of 2400. So I’m only missing 566.

from Forums - Nutrition

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