Is 1800 calories too low for a cut?

I’m 16 years old 5”7 159lbs and I do a 6 day a week LPP LPP program. I’m novice in all lifts. Outside of the gym, the only exercise I do is about 8000 steps of walking. I noticed I am losing strength on my overhead press , bench and squats. The reason I’m cutting is because I thought back to the main reason why I started lifting in the first place and it’s because I wanted to look lean and muscular and I’m pretty chunky in my thighs and belly area ( I have a little bit of love handle action going on). Further into my workouts, I could only complete 8 ****ty reps compared to 12 on some exercises. I think this might be a sign of not enough glycogen. Do you think I should up my calories? And by how much? What should my macros be? I want to lose minimal strength and muscle on this cut.

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