Should I give up

Man seriously I haven't been this sad since my last break up, I am on a cut phase right now.. Im doing Intermittent Fasting with a 20 hour fasting window and eating only for 4 hours.

The thing is my incline chest press when I was bulking, was 32 kilos in each hand with a bodyweight of 63.4 kilos, that was pretty massive. I got an adrenaline rush whenever I lifted heavy and hit a new PR.

Now Im down 9 pounds and my strength has gone down, i can barely lift 30 kilos for 5 reps now. I just dont get that nice feeling about myself. Although i look sharp, my strength levels have dropped so bad, I really dont see the point of even lifting anymore.

WTF man, just today 2 hours earlier, i struggled to overhead press 65 kilos, on my bulk i was pushing 70 kilos and 68 kilos for 6+ reps

Should i give up cutting and just focus on strength, this caloric deficit has ****ed me up so bad, I honestly am contemplating just quitting this **** altogether as this mentally taxing.

is there anything i can do maintain my strength levels that I had while bulking, when im cutting?

no steroids tho

from Forums - Nutrition


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