Eating enough but not gaining strength.

Sorry I wasn't sure where else to post this and this thread does relate to nutrition at least but I'm just getting seriously confused so I apologise to those that see that I keep asking questions on this forum; I just don't want to screw anything up and put myself in a worse position than where I started (I lost about 4 stone at the end of 2017/beginning of 2018 and I'm terrified of putting any fat back on). Also if there's a better category to post this is in then please tell me. :)

I'm 19, 5ft6, male and 145lbs. At 141lbs my TDEE was around 1800 so I bumped my calories up to 2100 to lean bulk and at first I put on a whole kilogram in a week but I didn't think too much of it due to me probably having previously had a bad metabolism as I was only eating around 1500 calories a day for about a year due to never really coming of a diet that wasn't even causing me to lose any fat somehow. I then ended up putting on another kilogram (66kg now) before randomly one day my weight dropped all the way back down to 64kg making me wonder if the last two weeks of eating was just water weight gain. However, I'm assuming my weight just fluctuated downwards somehow as my weight then went back up to around 65kg (now having dropped that extra 1kg from 66kg so from that I can infer it was indeed water weight). I now *appear* to be steadily gaining the amount of weight I was expecting to (only going up by about 0.1kg-0.3kg a day) but it's probably too early to say as that's only been over the last couple of days and I had a pretty big meal last night as I went out for dinner with my mum so I'm a bit bloated today and the scales have tipped to 66kg (I'm not worried about that now lol).

But to my main point: despite having gained weight (showing that I'm eating enough) and certainly eating enough protein (I have between 140g to 180g a day) my strength gains have been minimal over the last three weeks (only 10lbs on bench press, 10lbs on dumbbell bench press per hand, 5lbs on overhead press, 5lbs on seated row machine, 5lbs on lat pulldown, 5lbs on dumbbell row per hand, seemingly no improvement in pullups, etc). My routine is the '4 Day Maximum Mass Workout' on the Muscle and Strength website (sorry I can't post links as I haven't posted enough yet). I've technically been lifting for 3 months but I was just messing around before I got myself a proper workout and actually started eating properly, getting my nutrition on point and such, so I'd still count myself a beginner, yet apparently I should be able to increase the weight on all my lifts almost every workout but that's simply not happening. Another point is that the mind-muscle connection is there and I can feel the right muscles working during a workout but typically I don't feel ever feel sore after a workout, my muscles just feel "tired" I guess, I work them to failure as well just to get a feeling post-workout! I do get a pretty good pump, though, except for lats for seemingly no reason as I've had people more experienced than me at the gym watch me and tell me my form's fine.

Again, sorry I keep posting questions but I don't want to spend all my time in the gym and money on proper, clean foods only for me to have made no progress and instead regress to just putting on fat.

from Forums - Nutrition


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