Dose Bcca's Affect fat burning from Cardio After Weightlifting?

Hello Every one,
I'm Doing a FatLoss Plan. And i managed to drop very well i dropped almost 6% of my total Body fat in 6 weeks and everything is going well.
The plan that i was following is to Lightweight until failure "for most days" and then do some steady state cardio(20-35)
but along the way i lost like 0.5 of muscles. "It might be just water in the muscle or lack of carbs",however i started to take Bcca's to prevent my muscle loss .
So now I'm using Bcaa's during my workout "Weightlifting". and then do my cardio "Steady State".

Now , Question is:
-Dose the Bcca's Interfere with my Fat burning During Cardio?
-should i keep Doing what i was doing? -the only Deference is that I'm taking Bcca's Intra-Weightlifting-.
-and will it achieve my goal "Lose fat while minimising muscle loss"

PS :I Take my nitro-tech isolate along with half a banana in between Cardio and weightlifting.

and please Tell me any additional Notes if there is any

Thanks in Advance.

from Forums - Nutrition

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