Diet Sanity Check

In order to make gains, I've had to increase my calories from cutting (roughly 2100 per day) because I want to start gaining back quality lean mass; to that end I've put together a basic list of foods that should cash out to between 3000 and 3500 calories a day depending on training. I'm not eating set meals per se, mixing everything up as I go, with a window between 2pm and 10pm although that may change. Foods consist of the following:

Non Training Day

2 cups oats - 684cal
Scoop Micellar Casein protein - 150cal
4 whole eggs - 296cal
320g chicken breast - 625cal
15ml MCT oil - 126cal
200g Cottage cheese - 192cal
20g Natural peanut butter - 113cal
Yakult drink - 51cal
160g natural Greek yogurt - 202cal
4 cups 2% milk - 534cal

P 35%
C 26%
F 39%

Training Day (3 times/week)

2 cups oats - 684cal
Scoop Micellar Casein protein - 150cal
4 whole eggs - 296cal
320g chicken breast - 625cal
15ml MCT oil - 126cal
200g Cottage cheese - 192cal
20g Natural peanut butter - 113cal
Yakult drink - 51cal
250g natural Greek yogurt - 315cal
4 cups 2% milk - 534cal
1 cup cooked brown rice - 216cal
1 scoop Future Whey - 93cal
1 scoop Dextrose Monohydrate - 184cal

P: 33%
C: 33%
F: 34%

I'll sometimes sub out a can of tuna for half the chicken and have a steak at least twice a week instead of chicken - I try to calorie match as much as possible, and I'm having mixed steamed vegetables plus a salad of spinach, capsicum, cucumber and red onion every day but not counting the calories from those

Fat content is a lot higher than I have been used to in the past, but short term I haven't seen any fat gains - and, if anything, I'd probably look long term at dropping the carbs back (especially the milk due to the dairy already in there) - about the only side effect is my chits have gotten much bigger and around 4 a day now, not three :D

Feeling strong, lifts haven't suffered at all and my stomach hasn't distended at all which is the most positive thing given what's been added to the original diet.

Anything glaringly obvious that is bad that might need to change?

from Forums - Nutrition

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