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Telangana plans country’s first biopharma hub

Telangana government proposes to set up India’s first Biopharma-Hub to provide support to the biopharma research and development activities.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Protein Content

Let's say if i have 100 gm of chickpeas and they have 19 gm of protein and if i boil them in water will the protein content decrease?

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Pancakes 2

Below are 12 Pancakes.

Please choose up to 8 that you like:


Chunky Monkey

Coffee Cookies & Cream

Double Chocolate

Funfetti Cake Batter

Hot Chocolate

from Forums - Nutrition

Is it just fat distribution genes, or doing somethign wrong?

waist: gut fully out 34"
height: exactly at 5'10
weight: currently bulking, after the morning piss just under 170 lbs

So the problem... My hips are 40 fing inches. My ass is humongous. How do I get my ass to look normal?

Additional info: I eat strictly clean, no empty calories.

from Forums - Nutrition

Continue bulking or cut?

Current stats: 23 years old, 5ft 9, 157lb

Hello all. I've already posted this in the 'Losing Fat' forum but hope it's okay that I've posted it here as well as I've noticed different people seem to lurk in this forum.

Apologies in advance for the long post but I thought the context may be important.

I've recently got back into lifting and have now been slowly bulking for around 6 months.

As you can see, I hold quite a bit of fat around my stomach and hips, but I've had this for as long as I can remember. I was severely obese in my teen years (around 210lb at my highest) so I don't think it's going away any time soon.

For reference, I've also included a picture from September 2017 when I was in full skeleton mode at under 130lb to show I still had a bit of a gut even then. This was taken after emergency bowel surgery (hence the scar) which lead to a significant amount of weight loss due to surgery complications.

The good news is I'm all healed up and enjoying lifting again, but I'm not really sure when I should end my bulk.

My reservation about cutting at the moment is that I'm not sure how much muscle I actually have to cut down to, and I'd rather look a little chubby than go skelly mode again.

Cheers in advance.
Attached Images

from Forums - Nutrition

Daily calories vs weekly calories?

Is there anything wrong with eating more food on some day's and less on others if your total weekly calories meet your goal? i am lean bulking aiming to gain 0.5lbs per week, somedays i overeat and eat less the next day, today i ate 800 calories over maintenance, is there anything wrong with eating 550 calories less the next day? will this effect my ability to make gains if i do this regularly?

from Forums - Nutrition

5 Reasons Why ‘Nutralyfe Garcinia’ is the Miraculous Solution to all your Weight Loss problems.

In today's busy lives leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining your weight can be really difficult and costly. Getting up early in the morning or eating s...

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Critique my diet :)

Hello :)

First of all I am sorry if this thread is not suitable for the forum but I have started meal planning and trying to bulk. I aim to consume 2000 cal +.
Here is my meal plan for three days, would you please tell me if this sounds balanced and okay for you?

1. For breakfast I will consume a shake that consists of:
250 almond milk
20 gr PB
10 gr coconut
15 gr nesquick
TOTAL 500 calories

2. For lunch and dinner, I will alternate between these three:
2 salmons
rice with vegetables and butter 25 gr
TOTAL 566 calories

steak 200 gr
mashed potatoes 250 g
butter 20gr
TOTAL: 890 calories

4 chicken wings
mashed potatoes 250 g
butter 20gr
feta cheese 85 gr
TOTAL: 935 calories

3. Before I go to sleep, I will consume another 500 calorie shake.

This will be a total of 2500+ calories.

What do you think?

from Forums - Nutrition

Can someone confirm my diet's okay?

Protein: 80g
Fat: 60g
Carbs: 210g

After 2 weeks I'll up it to:
Protein: 90g
Fat: 90g
Carbs: 210g

I'm 6' tall, 160 pounds, about 17-18% bodyfat, 12.5 inch arms circumference. "Thick" layer of fat on stomach that I'm trying to lose, while at the same time at least gainning some muscle would be great.

I'm just starting with the gym, otherwise extremely sedentary lifestyle, maybe I average a walking distance of 3 miles per week.

from Forums - Nutrition

Info Video: "A Brief History of Fat, and Why we Hate It" - 20min

Interesting YT Video on Fat, How it works (burning, accumulating, interactions with the whole body...etc) and it's cultural significance.

Good watch if you have a lunch break or just like the subjects.

from Forums - Nutrition

Always exhausted during and after workout

I just can’t seem to get energy for my workouts! Caffeine just makes me tired, sugar makes me tired, working out makes me tired! Lol. I’m dedicated and I go to the gym often but still haven’t figured out how to get energy. Today I woke up, ate some oatmeal, blueberries, banana and peanut butter. Then went to the gym 30 mins later. Was exhausted after 10 mins of working out. Any advice? Please and thank you

from Forums - Nutrition

How do I stop from losing ab thickness when I cut?

I seem to have good ab thickness when I am bulking. I am able to see them through the fat and they look solid but when I cut they sort of "deflate" and I end up having more of a swimmer's core.
Any advice on how I can retain thick, bodybuilding abs when cutting?

from Forums - Nutrition

Keto on my last 2 weeks inquiry

Hello all,

I have been cutting for almost 2 months now and wanted to switch to keto for the remaining 2 weeks of my cut to shake things up a bit.

I'm currently cutting at 1750 calories at a height of 5'8

Macros are :

153g protein
116g fat
22g carbs


I'm currently doing a PPL and 3 times a week cardio.

I was just wondering if I should do a carb up on the same calories or should I just stick through the remaining 2 weeks without a carb up?

Also let's say i'm eating 25g carbs a day 15g of which are fiber, should i count that as 100 calories of carbs or 40 calories of carbs?

Thanks for your input.

from Forums - Nutrition

Common Service Centers to help in implementation of Ayushman Bharat

Under the ambitious Ayushman Bharat scheme, the government will cover over 10 crore poor vulnerable families.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

My road to recovery

Had to muster up some courage to write this down.

I started out as a fat kid, weighing in at 225 pounds and a height of 5 foot 8. I used eat a ton of food. Mostly unhealthy deep fried stuff. I worked the graveyard shift which meant snacking late night on fries just to keep myself awake.

I would have probably continued the same habits, but one day one of my co-worker taunted me on my eating habits and quoted "I should be ashamed of myself" This feel into the ears of the people around and this is when the fall into the rabbit hole began.

I signed up to the gym and began my journey to slim down. The initial few months were good, I began with light cardio and weights working different muscle groups.
I ate right, eliminated the late night fries. I started reducing weight. In the first 2 months I dropped down to 94 Kgs. This inspired me even more. I started working out more. My sessions went from 45 minutes to an hour and half. By the 4th month. I was around 88 Kilos.

Then the worst happened, carb phobia. I eliminated potatoes, completely, until my recovery. Bread was out, anything from flour was out. I kept saying to myself, "hey maybe I am just doing keto", but deep inside, I knew I wasn't. I ate less as the day progressed. From 2300Kcal a day I dropped to 1400 by end of my 6th month. I weight around 80Kilos.

Things did not get better, I started running 12 Km a day, my Gym extended to 2.5 hours. I barely did any weights and I barely ate any food. With my work timings, I never had breakfast, I trained fasted state and ate just a chicken salad post workout. I did not eat anything until dinner. Dinner was an apple or two and a glass of skim milk.

So yeah, I started to eat less than 1000Cals a day, welcome eating disorder. This went on for a month and then the cravings began. By this time I had dropped down to 70 Kilos. Then I started to restrict on weekdays and making up for it on weekends where I used to binge for 2 days. Then feel guilty about it and purge. This went on for few weeks and then I realized that purging is not the right thing to do. So instead of purging in the toilet, I started purging with cardio. I started with 2.5 to 3 hours of runs. Used stairs wherever possible, Went on a fat burner. By the end of month 10ish, I had dropped all the way down to 56 Kilos.

I was nothing buy bones on my shoulders and chest. I was weak, had no energy to continue to run (Ran 1000Km under 78 days) depressed, irritated, whatever you could think of. I wanted to eat so many things but was afraid I would gain weight. I did not want to tell my family about this, because the place where I come from, people with ED are treated differently.

But then, something good happened, I read a post online where someone spoke about their ED recovery, where they ate a little of everything daily to overcome the urge to binge.

Of course, I could not shoot up from my sub 700 calorie diet to my normal 2300 Cals a day diet. I had to take one step at a time. I went out and hauled in some ice creams, some cookies some chips. I ate a good lunch and a scoop of ice cream. I took a cookie to work and ate it, I had dinner and another scoop of ice cream.
I felt happy, I did this for another day, and then another and then for the week. I was happy on the next Monday because I did not binge over the weekend.

Then something even great happened. I quit my job and joined a new one which was an early morning shift. This is when my recovery began. For the first day after an year, I had breakfast, I couldn't stuff a lot of course, I ate some egg whites, had some oats. I felt great, I had lunch and then hit the gym. I gave up on my insane cardio routine. I started only lifts. I supplemented with protein shakes, and some good dinner with dessert. Things went great.

As of today, I am not completely there yet, but I have made significant progress. I am not afraid of potatoes anymore, heh! And I eat them often.

What my ED recovery taught me:
I do not follow a diet anymore.
I eat when I am hungry and I eat what I crave
I don't restrict any food types.
I socialized more to overcome my ED. I went out with people and ate all the things I missed out over the last year
Life is too short to restrict yourself. Like my father said, eat what you want, you only get to live once. Don't be a 50 year old and look back on the things that you missed.

Currently, I eat around 1900 Cals a day. Keep my cardio to 2 days (20 mins session each) only. Incorporate heavy lifting sessions.
I weight now around 68 kilos. Got some fat around my belly, but I don't care anymore. I lost plenty and I can live with that.

Hope this helps someone out there.

from Forums - Nutrition

Confusion over protein intake.

I'm 23 and a beginner. I weigh 155lbs at around 22 percent bodyfat. Skinny and fat at the same time. I'm planning to be on a slight deficit. My question is I know that the recommended level of protein intake per day is 1g per pound of bodyweight. But should i take the jump from my current low protein routine (Maybe 40g or 50g) to a 155g protein diet at one go? Or make the progression gradually?

from Forums - Nutrition

Bad poops!!!!! Any tips?

Hi guys,

Basically ive been eating as clean as possible but it means my poops are quite sticky and soft. anyone else have this problem?
Its a real pain in the arse (pardon the pun) and it really makes life uncomfortable. Is there anything to help? or what can i eat/ change to stop this?

from Forums - Nutrition

The Big Biryani Review: All That You Need To Know About Our Participants

NDTV Food conducted The Big Biryani Review on 26th July 2017. The first-of-its kind review featured about 16 Biryani delivery outlets spread across Delhi-NCR. Here are all details on all the...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Don't Forget Your Micros


So I constantly see people talking about hitting their macros day in and day out which is obviously key to getting max gains. However, I never see people talk about the micros. I think micros are an essential part of the daily diet. People always tell me chicken and rice, egg whites, and protein protein protein. After about a week of chicken and rice I'm sick of it -- GIVE ME SOME MICROS. I have been working out for a little over a year and a half now and I can honestly say the micro life is the superior life. Obviously you gotta hit those macros - but please don't forget about the micros.

From my time focusing on my micros (which for you who don't know are essentially everything other than lean meats) I have seen gains I thought were impossible. Yes, I may still have a a little chub-gut but my mental health has been fantastic. In the past, within a few weeks of working out I had given up because my mental health couldn't take it the monotony of macros. But when I started embracing the "micro life" -- those fears and doubts went away. Now I crush the lift 3 days a week while chowing down on micros the whole way home. Honestly IMO -- Micros > Macros and you'll see a mental/physical gains unlike the world has ever seen.

Let me know what you guys think. I truly think I am on to something here. Do you guys have any Micros that are on the healthier side of micros? More like a Mi-acro? Any tips to further my gains would be incredible.

Muscle on everyone.

PS. Dont forget your micros

from Forums - Nutrition

Whey Protein For Weight Loss: How To Consume It For Quicker Weight Loss

Whey protein is a very popular source of protein among health freaks. However, can it help you in losing weight, when consumed regularly?

from NDTV Food - Latest

Yummy Tips To Make Your Sandwiches Healthier

The constant struggle of wanting to lose weight and craving for good food is quite real. Losing weight is not an easy task. It requires proper diet and workout regime. However, a few dietary tweaks...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Another should i cut or should i bulk thread

Sorry I know you guys see this day in and day out.

Attached a Jan - July difference pic. Need an honest opinion, I have been working out on and off for years. I enjoy it, got no issues to track macros and eating the same meals every day for months at a time. In the Jan pic I was 68.1kg and I weighed myself yesterday at 69.4.

From Jan to around May, I trained harder than usual for a Crossfit competition (yes I know bad form, kipping pull ups yada yada yada), did it for fun in the beginners category because I cant lift all that heavy, turns out I cant do a lot of things as fast either and placed stone last which yea it bugged me but not much, I wasn't expecting big things, I don't attend a crossfit gym and ive learnt everything off youtube and I won one heat so I was stoked with that.

From May I didn't train for about a month and half due to lack of motivation or just pure laziness. For the past few weeks, been eating more and training consistently, haven't really been at it long enough to see any strength gains, im more or less where I was before I stopped training and feel like I could lift heavier if I tried but starting fierce 5 off slow at lower weight.

So based on the pics, should I carry on bulking ( I eat anywhere up to 1000 calories over maintenance some days), only for the past week and 2 days, the 1kg gain could be due to this, don't recall weighing myself in the last few months so cant really say) to around 75 kgs and then cut, or should I 'lean bulk' slower at around 200 calories surplus and try lean out a bit while gaining size slowly (in an ideal situation obviously), would love abs one day but for now, all round progress would be good.
Attached Files

from Forums - Nutrition

Mishri For Coughing: Here's How You Can Bring Rock Candy To Your Rescue

Mishri primarily helps bring relief to people with productive cough. Here's how you can use it to bring relief to coughing

from NDTV Food - Latest

Rs 830 crore recovered from drug firms for overcharging: Government

In a separate reply, the minister of state for chemicals and fertilisers said exports of generic drugs in 2017-18 stood at USD 12.9 billion. The global generic market in the same period stood at USD 302 billion.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

13 Diet And Fitness Secrets Of Taapsee Pannu You Must Know

Taapsee Pannu's journey from Tollywood to Bollywood has been a laborious one. Apart from being counted as a good actor, she has always been known for her fitness game

from NDTV Food - Latest

How To Fry Eggs? An Easy Way To Make Your Breakfast Interesting And Healthy

Learn how to fry eggs. Cooking an egg is always an adventure since it involves technique and precision. Kick off your mornings on a nutritious note with your these incredible egg recipes.

from NDTV Food - Latest

How to track macros and calories accurately

How do I track my food accurately, I have a food scale and use my fitnesspal, but it's difficult to input the weight of the food and find it on MyFitnessPal. Fatsecret is probably the most accurate and inclusive calorie counting app, but it mostly isn't enough. Carbs are relatively easy to track. But proteins and fat in complex home cooked meals are very difficult to track. Food tracking apps don't even track certain foods. Or give different values to the same food.
Also I can't track my TDEE very well. All the websites estimates we're incosistent and useless to me .
Gained seven pounds after my diet because I don't really know what the **** I'm eating and now I'm mad cause it'll take me at least a month to lose something I gained in two weeks.

from Forums - Nutrition

This Unicorn Soft Serve Ice Cream Will Make Your Insta-Feed Look Prettier

Located in Noida's sector 37 market, Serve is a little eatery that dishes out some really quirky and pretty-looking delicacies. One such delight that is an absolute must-try at this place is their...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Transition From Keto Fat loss To muscle Gain Nutritional

Ok so here's my situation... i started keto Oct. 7th 17" since then i've lost 105 LBS now i'm sitting @ or near my goal weight of 250. (255ish) my plan was when i hit 250 to start FINALLY using my basement bench/squat rack ect dumbells but i've stuck with my same diet of which is a deficit based keto diet where i'm consuming

174g Fat///111g protein///>15g Carbs////1890 calories.. after re-using the keto calculator for muscle gain it recommends i start eating

238g Fat///166g Protein///20g Carbs/// 2883 calories but i literally cannot fathom consuming nearly 1000 more calories daily...

reason i'm asking all this is being on keto almost a year now i want to make sure that every time i work out i'm getting the most out of it, and not starving my muscles of protein they need to grow
but i'm just concerned if i start the "calculated suggested diet" that an additional 1000 calories would make me gain back excessive amounts of weight

anyone who's gone from keto fat loss to keto muscle gain i'd love some input because after working so hard to get here the last thing i'd wanna do is see all my hard work be lost by a calculator

from Forums - Nutrition

Happy Birthday Kiara Advani: Diet And Fitness Secrets Of The Actress

Be it for her gorgeous skin, fab body or amazing style, Kiara is a youth icon for a million people. Ever wondered what goes into the diet and fitness regime of the actor? We have got some secrets you...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Gaining on cut

Hello all,
Before going into details, here is a little bit of background:
One month and a half ago I started a new job and since then I generally move less. Before that I was used to walk 7-8 km a day and light train two times a week. I was used to walk in 2 or 3 times (going to and coming from work plus lunch break), now I drive and everything has changed. Being summer, I stopped training and started doing cardio (running), this is pretty common for me, I have never been a person who trains for big gains, rather the person that wants to keep some kind of shape. Running helps me feeling better since I move less and it makes me happy during the good season.

I am 31 years old guy. 1.80, 64 kg.

Since I started the new job I have cut my calories intake to 1600 Kcal a day, while running a 5k every day after work from Monday to Friday.
This is the usual breakdown: (I cook myself)
6am wake up
8am breakfast 400 kcal
1:30 pm lunch 500 kcal
7 5k run
8 dinner 600 kcal

I don't eat processed food, mainly fruits, vegetables, wholegrain cereals, fish, some lean meat for lunch, yogurt.
On weekends I don't run, I usually skip breakfast because I wake up late and I drink a beer or two on two nights max (so max 4 beers, but this is very rare, a usual number is 2 in total).

A computation of the usual macros (per day) that I did is the following: 57 gr of fats, 133 gr of proteins, 140 grams of carbs. These are spread over the three meals.

As you can see I left 100 kcal aside and the reason is that I eat a fruit (like a peach or a healthy bar or a low fat yogurt pot) during the day if I am hungry or eventually before the run.

My fat % is around 18%, and thus I computed my (Katch-McArdle) BMR: 370 + 21.6 * (64*0.82) = 1500 kcal

Now the thing is that even using a 1.2 factor, I should be on a cut or so, but I am actually gaining. In one month and a half I gained 1 KG from 63 to 64.

Is there anything wrong in what I am considering?

from Forums - Nutrition

If I don't eat meals every two/three hours, then will I lose my muscle ?

I am new to body-building and learning more.

My question is that,

What if I eat one meal during morning and one meal during night.

Will I lose my muscle, if I don't eat every two or three hours ?

I am currently exercising three days a week; full-body work out routines for each day.

from Forums - Nutrition

Government’s drug price caps may trigger showdown with US

US pharma biggies are at the receiving end of the Donald Trump administration’s ire due to rising drug prices in that country, and this may cause anxiety for the Indian government as well as domestic generic companies.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Should a 15 year old track calories and macros?

I'm a 15 year old male, 5'11, 140 with an endomorphic body type and I used to be quite overweight weighing in at right about 190-195. I lost the weight but it is almost impossible for me to eat somewhat unhealthy foods because of my fear of getting "fat" again. I workout 5-6 days a week including swimming and lifting weights. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Pancakes 1

This week you will be voting on Pancakes.

Below are 12.

Please choose up to 8 that you like:


Blueberry Buttermilk

Brownie Batter


Chocolate Chip

Cream Cheese

from Forums - Nutrition

Advice: Trainer Suggesting Short Term Macro Change

I have been on (2,000 calorie) keto diet for 1 full week to cut (and I lost 5.5 lbs in my first week) and my personal trainer told me to increase my carb intake and switch to a low carb diet going into the third and fourth week change from strength training phase back into a 2 week hypertrophy phase. I am really pleased with the weight that I lost but I still have a lot of fat to cut (I'm hovering around 20% BF).

The new macro I am going to try will be 40% fat (89 grams) / 35% protein (175 grams) / 25% carb (125 grams) but still at a daily 2,000 caloric intake. But my question is if there is a need for me to change diets to for the hypertrophy stage? Will I immediately gain a lot of weight because of the increased carb intake despite not adding anymore calories? Or restoring of liver glycogen? Will I continue to lose weight/fat because of the caloric deficit?

from Forums - Nutrition

Advice needed for cutting.

Hey I’m new to the forum and looking for some tips regarding cutting phase. Am currently at 10.6 % body fat but wanting -10% feel as though I’ve hit a brick wall. Currently in a caloric deficit, track all my food & weigh my portions. I’ll post my stats below,
Height 5’11
Weight 78kg
Lean mass 69kg
Maintenance calories 2349
Current calories 1885
Weight before cut 82kg 15% bf
Hip to waist ratio excellent
I would say I’m lean but not ripped.
Workouts include 5/6 times per week set muscle groups per different days followed by 20mins cardio after each session. Many thanks. Also my macros is 40% carbs 40 protein 20 fat, many thanks.

from Forums - Nutrition

Please, no more protein!!


Older dude (40's) getting back into training after long, long break from exercise.

I've put 6 months into getting the joints working again by progressively going from very light weights to something heavier (focusing on form), and I'm now ready to start doing some heavier lifting.

I've been upping my protein intake to the approximate 200g a day (I'm about 215lbs), but I'm already sick of it. I've tried various meats, whey protein, eggs and pulses, but I can't seem to get anywhere near 200g a day without feeling massively bloated and full.

Any tips on getting enough protein in, or do I even need to eat that much?

I'm not trying to massively bulk (well not at my age anyway!), but do want my diet to reflect my desire to put on as much muscle as possible at my age.


from Forums - Nutrition

India can be global healthcare destination: Apollo Chairman

Apollo will participate in many ways in the government's healthcare programmes and make signifcant contributions to make the 500 billion people in India healthy and happy.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

[PIC] Naturally too muscular without doing any sports?! Help

Hello, I am new here and created an account just to ask this question.

I am 23 year old woman and have never really played sports in my life (except gym class at school) BUT I have the body of someone that has being training a lot. I have really defined arms and broad shoulders. My legs also have a lot of muscles even though it is hidden by the fat when I am relaxed.

I don't really like it on me and that it why I want to change it. I don't really want to be skinnier or anything but I would like to have a more slender/feminine look.

Anyone knows why I could be so muscled when I don't even do anything ? How can I loose these muscles ? Any tips ?
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from Forums - Nutrition

How To Make Amle Ka Murabba At Home

Here's an amazing recipe of amle ka murabba by Culinary Expert and Food Blogger Chef Reetu Uday Kugaji along with some essential tips to keep in mind

from NDTV Food - Latest

Natural Blood Purifiers: 8 Foods You Must Add To Your Daily Diet

Your blood is responsible for a lot of things; ranging from transporting oxygen, hormones, sugar, fats and cells to your immune system to cleansing your body system and further keep it moving

from NDTV Food - Latest

Turmeric Soup: This Broth May Help Boost Immunity & Aid Weight Loss

One of the most common ways to make most of turmeric's nutrition is of course the good old haldi doodh. But for those who are not so much in favour of milk, can use the goodness of turmeric to prepare...

from NDTV Food - Latest


I'm pretty sure I have IBS... I can't sit down for longer than 20 mins before my abdomen starts to burn. I have to loosen off my pants and then still that doesnt help much, the lightest brushing across my abdomen feels like someone giving me a chinese burn. I have to leave my desk and stand up for a while or if im at home go have a lay down. I'm tired of this, cant live with this anymore, it needs to stop. Im having to find a new job where I can be stood up all day so that I can work.

I don't have any symptoms of diarrhea or stomach ache. Its just this burning sensation when I sit down and moderate constipation and bloating.

I did go to the doctors a year or so back and at first they thought it was a hernia. So i had tests done, ultrasound etc and they told me it was not a hernia. The doctor told me I had probably pulled a muscle and that I should lay off doing weights for a month or so until it heals.

So I stopped doing weights for about 6 weeks and layed off the heavy diet and voila my abdomen pain went...

Here I am doing weights again and eating fairly heavily and my abdomen pain is back when i sit down. But I don't think its from the weights. I notice that the pain gets worse when I am stressed and/or on a full stomach. I also notice that when I go out drinking beer, and have little to eat, (relaxed and on empty stomach) the pain is gone when i sit down. So it seems to me that the issue arises when eating a heavy diet.

Before I go back to the doctors about this issue and potentially let them send me off on a wild goose chase, I would like to try this low fodmap diet to see if it has any effect. Problem is I also want to try to keep my protein intake high if possible. I don't want to lose any gains i've made over the past year.

Something to note is I eat every simple and i will sacrifice taste and recipes for convenience every time. So anything like 'quinoa' or 'wheatgrass' and all those hipster recipes and ingredients is not for me, unless there is no alternative.

Another important thing to note is I'm and ovo-pescatarian, so I don't eat meat other than fish and eggs. I do eat dairy. My diet usually looks something like this:


4 eggs, mild cheese, milk


brown rice, tin tuna, green beans, carrots, zuchinni. (boiled) apple


4 eggs, tablespoon peanut butter, banana, oats, mixed together into a shake


brown rice, tin tuna, green beans, carrots, zuchinni. (boiled) apple


4 quorn sausages, maybe some boiled veg (carrots, green beans, zuchinni)


cotttage cheese or quark

If anyone has any suggestions for a simple low fodmap diet that I can still get my protein needs from, or any advice, I would be very greatful.

from Forums - Nutrition

Shilpa Shetty's Nutritious Veggie Drink Has Under 100 Calories!

With cucumber, lauki, apple and tulsi, Shilpa Shetty Kundra's veggie concoction packs in a nutritious punch and less than a 100 calories!

from NDTV Food - Latest

Here's How You Can Chop Tomatoes Like A Pro

If you've been messing up in the kitchen while handling tomatoes, follow the steps given below and chop tomatoes like a pro

from NDTV Food - Latest

Should I bulk or cut?

I guys, I need some advise.

Right now i'm 64 kg with 175 cm. I've been cutting for the past year on 1500-1700 kcal, and been running PPL routine and for the past few weeks 531 for Beginners. I think i'm getting kinda skinny, with not much muscle to show for, but as a former fat child I really want to lose the belly fat before committing to a slow bulk. What should I do?
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from Forums - Nutrition

Is It Safe To Have Mushrooms In Monsoon? Here's The Answer

There is no need to eliminate mushrooms from your diet completely. You can have them if they are washed and cooked well.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Lupin gets EDQM nod for its Mandideep facility

The inspection was focused on the application for certificate of suitability for the dossier of Cefaclor along with facility inspection for Quality Management Systems

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Nod for Aurobindo Pharma to make, market Bivalirudin injection

Citing market reports, the release said the estimated market size of the Bivalirudin injection was USD 101 million for the year ending May 2018.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Sonam Kapoor Got A Basketball-Themed Cake For Anand Ahuja's Birthday!

Sonam Kapoor Ahuja's husband Anand Ahuja is celebrating his 35th birthday today and the actor got a custom-made basketball-themed cake from a Delhi patisserie.

from NDTV Food - Latest

Wockhardt sets up its first manufacturing facility in Middle East

"With the new facility in the Middle East, we aim to focus on our commitment to developing NCEs to fight the health issues," Wockhardt Founder Chairman Habil Khorakiwala said.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Yoga for the neck

Here’s to strengthening balls and sockets, to help overall mobility

from The Hindu - Fitness

The ‘kalari’ burner

The martial arts form that is now practised for its beauty and body and mind awareness

from The Hindu - Fitness

Strawberries For Weight Loss: 5 Ways It Helps You Shed Kilos

Strawberries are super versatile. Not only do they make decadent treats more indulgent, they have quite a reckoning in the world of health and fitness too

from NDTV Food - Latest

Max Life set to add 145 branches, lines up Rs 250-crore expansion plan

“We need to regain our lost glory and go back to making our proprietary channels fire,” Singh said, referring to the company’s strategy at the time of inception which was built around selling insurance policies through a network of 80,000 agents.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Is eating frequently really important?

Is eating every 2-4 hours really important for anything other than ensuring you’re actually getting enough calories in? Aside from that is there any benefit towards metabolism, or actual muscle building?

Is there anything wrong with simply eating the standard three meals a day?

from Forums - Nutrition


Im about 5'3 123 pounds. Skinny fat. I try getting in around 1400 calories a day but people are telling me i need to go on a lean bulk. How many calories would i need eat. And what would the macros be

from Forums - Nutrition

Anyone here ever had food poisoning?

What food did you get it from? How long did it last, and what did you eat while you had food poisoning?

On my second day of food poisoning and I still feel like crap. I went to a Mediterranean place and decided to try their seared raw ahi tuna. Never again! I felt so sick and threw up a bunch. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up out of nowhere. I had other stuff like beef kabobs, rice, hummus etc.. Don’t think I can eat Mediterranean food for awhile either.

How long does food poisoning usually last? I just had Taco Bell and I feel like throwing up again.. what type of foods are you supposed to eat when you have food poisoning?

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Smoothies Finals

Have to post a little early today, sorry about that.

Below are the top 10 voted Smoothies for the week in order of votes received.

Please choose your 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place choices:

PB Banana

Chocolate PB Banana

Blueberry Muffin

PB & J

Strawberry Banana Oats

from Forums - Nutrition

Help with Calories


I am currently following a diet plan based off the diabetic exchange system that looks like
Breakfast: 1 fat, 2 protein, 1 grain, 1 fruit, 1 dairy
Snack: 1 fruit, 1 protein
Lunch: 3 protein, 2 grain, 1 fat, 1 fruit, 1 veggie
Snack: 1 grain, 1 protein
Dinner: 3 protein, 2 grain, 2 fat, 2 veggie
Snack: 1 grain, 1 protein
Example day:
B: 2 tbsp half and half, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup greek yogurt, small apple, 1/4 cup granola
S: 1 scoop protein powder and small banana
L: 3 oz mahi mahi, 1 tsp olive oil, 1 cup roasted squash, 3/4 cup brown rice, 1 cup blackberries
S: rxbar
D: 3 oz chicken, 4 small corn tortillas, 1 tbsp ranch, 1 cup kale, 1 cup cauliflower, 2 tbsp avocado
S: small ice-cream bar and cheese stick
To explain:
1 grain = 15 grams of carb
1 protein = 6 grams (example, 3 oz of chicken is 3 exchanges)
1 fat = 5 gram
1 fruit = about 15 carbs worth
1 dairy = 3/4 cup greek yogurt
I do this because I like seeing things as exchanges more than I do just calories. For example, if I go out to eat I don't have to measure things- by knowing portion sizes I know how much to eat for an appropriate meal. However, it normally comes out to be about 1,900-2,000 calories a day and oftentimes I am hungry at night and a little lackluster at the gym. I still follow the plan but I was wondering if others are able to eat more and still maintain? I weighed myself a couple times the past month and stayed the same weight.

Would I be able to get away with eating more while recomping? What should my calorie range look like?

I am 5'6" and weigh about 131 pounds (20 years old). I have been lifting about 7 months now and my routine is mostly heavy barbell training and the olympic lifts (5 days a week and from the Thinner Leaner Stronger book by Mike Matthews). I do about 15 min HITT on a bike twice a week and probably walk about 3 miles a day- so nothing too strenuous on the cardio front. My lifts have been improving slowly so I don't think I am under eating, but I would like to know if there are other ladies out there maintaining on more? Please don't link a calorie calculator thing because I have used those and I truly don't know if I would be considered active, moderately active, etc. Plus it really helps to hear from other people what works for them because we are all so different.

from Forums - Nutrition

Do I need supplements with my current diet?

Hi. I'm currently 220 pounds and 6.1 ft. I want to lose fat and have leaner muscle mass. I created this diet program and I would like to know if anything else is necessary besides exercise of course.

Pre-workout meals are:

1- Breakfast: 4 egg whites and bowl of oats with low-fat milk.
2- Snack: apple or banana.
3- Launch: 200g of white rice and 200g of chicken breasts.

post workout:

Dinner: One tablespoon of low-fat cheese and 3 slices of lite turkey.

You see of course my main meals separated by 3 to 4 hours.

I currently workout every day with no day off for the first 3 weeks. I do weight lifting then I do high-intensity cardio.

I wanna know, should I include anything else in my diet? And how long can I wait to see results? Thanks.

from Forums - Nutrition

Struggling to gain weight (132 pounds ) 22 yr male 5'9

Hey Im creating this thread because I've been skinny for a lifetime and lost out on many opportunities. Due to lack of proper diet I'm skinny fat. My arms are toothpicks and my belly is fat. I don't know if Im incorporating the right nutrition. 3500-4000 is just way too much for me to afford right now. I used to buy the weight gainers but I cant stay consistent because I can't drink calories all day and it feels disgusting. My usual diet consists of 4-5 eggs a hash brown, sausage patty in the morning. and 4 for 4$ Wendys or 4pc chicken from Popeyes for 5$ in the night-time or cooked meat w rice. I go to the gym 3-5 times a week workout each body part once for about 4 months so far and only saw gains in arms, went from only being able to benchpress 10's on each side to 35's .. Im struggling to lose fat in my stomach and Iv'e developed some man boobs, my forearms are still skinny. If you guys can suggest what I can buy for cheap and that taste appetizing please recommend it to me. Also suggest what workouts I should be doing. My budget right now Is like 15$ a day to reach 3500-4000 calories, Im considering Gomad

from Forums - Nutrition

Macro help needed for muscle gains

I was 5'7" 210-220 lbs then dieted down to ~140 lbs. This left me with a reasonable amount of loose skin so I wanted to fill it with muscle. Then I started going to the gym.

I started working out about 2 months ago and have been to the gym every day since.

My schedule looks like this:



Now I'm at 5'7" 153 lbs at somewhere between 9% and 11% body fat. I still have a reasonable amount of loose skin. I can only barely see my top abs and my arms look toned(ish) near the elbow and there is loose skin near the shoulder(it looks kinda weird). 15 inch arms are not cutting(no pun intended) it for me. This is not good enough for me, and it feels like muscle gains have started to slow down. Therefore, I think I need to change my diet, but I'm not entirely sure how much of macros I should be eating. From I've found from various googled sources it should be something like this:

Carbs: 300g
Protein: 200g
Fat: 75g

Thoughts? All advice/opinions are accepted. Thanks!

from Forums - Nutrition

calorie increase - is it too slow?

Hi guys - I am 26Y/O 5 ft 11 - i have been working out consistently for about 1.5 - 2 years counting calories... i recently came off a cut at around 12% BF. I transitioned back into a bulk. I usually work out 4 times a week but with my job at the moment I have only been able to work out 3 x a week and this will continue for the next 4 month. I am currently eating 3,175 calories a day and have been for last 6 weeks. This is my weekly averages below:

Week 1 162.6
Upped calories to 3,175
Week 2 163.1
Week 3 163.3
Week 4 163.3
Week 5 163.4
Week 6 163.6
Week 7 164.1
Week 8 163.8

I want to do a slow bulk and i dont think i should be shooting for 0.5lbs a week anyway as i am only working out 3 x a week and I have been training for over a year but do you think this is a bit too slow. Should i up my calories 200 or keep the same?

thanks in advance


from Forums - Nutrition

Working to strengthen regulatory system for health supplement, nutraceutical sector: FSSAI

FSSAI is gearing itself to strengthen the regulatory ecosystem through cross-border collaboration and learning from international best practices, it said in a statement.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Weight Loss: This Monsoon Load Up On Jamuns To Shed Those Extra Kilos

Jamuns, or black plums, are one of the best summer fruits to indulge in. The fruit is incredibly tasty, especially when eaten with a little bit of chaat masala. Jamun is very low in calories, and...

from NDTV Food - Latest

Happy Birthday Sanjay Dutt: Proof That The Bhoomi Actor Is A Big Foodie

Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt is celebrating his 58th birthday today. Did you know that the Bhoomi actor loved food so much?

from NDTV Food - Latest

How India's high-quality, low-cost model can save American healthcare

Our study suggests that to promote innovations in healthcare delivery, an environment like India’s is just what the doctor ordered.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Lifestyle diseases: FSSAI launches 'Eat Right Movement'

According to FSSAI, one in four Indians is at risk of dying from one of the Non-Communicable Diseases, such diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease or cancer.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Sun Pharma recalls over 2,500 bottles of diabetes drug from US

The reason for recall is presence of foreign substance- one lot of these tablets contains foreign matter identified as a piece of rubber glove detected in one tablet.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-The Economic Times

Can food help with attention and focus

Do any of you know if there are any foods that help with attention and focus ?

from Forums - Nutrition

New Diet after KETO (Muscle gain/Weight loss)

Before you tell me, i'm aware that there is no such thing as a mystery diet that can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time.
I just recently got off of KETO doing 10g Carbs daily about a month ago after losing around 35 pounds (mostly muscle, 200-165).
I am 6'0 with currently 170LBs.
Im definitely bigger boned, so at this point losing more than 20 more pounds will make me look extremely bony.

Currently, im constructing a new diet consisting of the following macros: (My current goal is to bulk up and cut more around my waist and lower stomach)

Daily: (keep Between)
144 G of Protein
100G of Carbs
40G of fat
1900 Cals/Day

I'm implementing a fasting split of 8:16 with this diet as well. (skipping breakfast)

I work out at least 4 times a week going 1 hr of strength exercise with 20 minutes of cardio right after.

I would love your advice regarding my current macros.

from Forums - Nutrition

Fat? Water Weight? Loss Skin???

I had a massive cheat day the other day in which I easily ate around 10,000 cals of junk food.

Along waking up the next morning my waist, man boobs, legs, and all my skin was MASSIVE and JIGGLY. Before my cheat day I was around 10% body fat and held a lot of loose skin around my body from weight loss over the years.

I understand a lot of the weight gained overnight is water weight and not all fat. But why is my skin SOOO jiggly, fluffy, and overall puffy like a pillow??

Because of my loose skin I notice an extreme amounts of jiggleing around my waist, butt, stomach, nipples, and arms... what happened???

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Smoothies Semis

Due to late votes just before post time today and many ties, we have 17 today which are listed below in order of votes received.

Please choose up to 6 that you like for the Finals:

Chocolate PB Banana

PB Banana

Endless Summer

Strawberry Mango

Berry Mango

Strawberry Banana Oats

Bahama Bro

Triple Berry

from Forums - Nutrition

All about gaining weight and building muscle for Hardgainers.

Hello fellow hardgainers.
I promise you this is worth your time and will be a big help so read fully.

Being one of the skinny guys with fast metabolism and low appetite and small stomach to handle the food was one of the hardest times for me , after many many researches and informative videos and my own mistakes i finally can say what works and what does not, whats a myth and what is real ... and i can say that my information would be a good help to others now . So lets get into the important thing first :

Calories . Thats literally the key to open the door of a whole lotta gains , and its as simple as calories in calories out , You HAVE to eat more calories than you burn . MyFitnessPal is an app to count calories in almost anything you eat , and it can calculate the calories you need to eat daily after setting your body info , or simply start at 2600 calories and if you didnt see weight gain in a week add 200-300 calories and try for another week until you see change , for me 3200 on rest days is the sweet spot , so dont stop trying cuz you are not any different and you have a caloric surplus point you just have to keep adding , and the other way around if you noticed gaining ALOT of fat then keep dropping calories by 300 until you see that you are not gaining as much fat .

IMPORTANT : Higher calorie surplus does not mean more muscle gain , being 500 calories up your maintenance will give you full potential muscle building at such a small fat gain , remember that you will gain fat during the bulk thats totally natural but if its more than the muscle gains then you are eating alot higher than your calorie target.

Now , where to get you calories from ? Its actually up to you , its all about being flexible with your diet and not getting sick of how restricted your diet gotta be and then get unmotivated , so if you reach your calories goal by only eating Bread or only eating Doritos you will gain the same weight.

**but if you can doesnt mean you should, you have to eat healthy foods for the vitamins and minerals and proteins , we dont wanna fix something and ruin something else as our health.
And it does not matter how you schedule your meal times or how many calories each meal has and doesnt effect the final result.

Carbs and fats : it does not matter if you get all your calories from either one of them or mixed , but i always prefered high carb diet because ofc its a great source of energy and generally its from a tasty foods :) .

PROTEIN : alot of people understimate how much protein their body needs and think they are eating enough , this is the most important element in building muscle so you dont wanna miss out on this , 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of body weight (2.2gram per 1kg bodyweight) works wonders and enough to build muscle and higher protein is not better.

Food before and after workout : eating high Carb foods helps alot in the workouts because its a fast source of energy so eating at least 30g of carbs before workout is really helpful at least for me. And 30g of carbs after a workout is great to spike your insulin level which will be a great use as it increases protein synthesis which is essential for building muscle. You can spike your insulin by eating fats too but it will take a bigger meal to get as fast and as high of a spike in compare to carbs.
Eating protein before the workout has been shown in researches to increase muscle builing but eating protein after the workout is more important to help with the protein synthesis and muscle recovery.

My opinion on supplements : You dont need any type of supplement to gain weight or gain muscle no matter what anybody tells you and tries to sell you . Cause its all a game of sales and rip-off.

Are supplements helpful ? : some supplements can be of a big help and ease your way to your gains

CREATINE monohydrates : creatine is one of the most researched supplements and proven in many ways to help building muscle as it pulls water to the muscles and as we know the water makes 75% of our muscles and thats very important to keep the muscles well hydrated , and many many proven benefits of creatine. Timing doesnt matter all that much on when to take creatine but i take 5grams after workout.

WHEY : whey in my opinion makes the most sense out of any other supplement , high quality protein source and cheapest protein for a buck , and super easy to consume, enough said.

MASS GAINERS: i have took mass gainers in my very start of weight gaining journey because as i said not a big eater and had trouble catching up with my calories as i had a busy schedule , i dont recomment mass gainers as first option , but as the final option if you have really no time to eat or cant eat big meals then for sure mass gainers are easy calories to drink specially with milk you will hit high calorie numbers.

Eating tip: what worked for me is waking up earlier than usual so i had more time to eat and rest between meals , try waking up earlier and eating smaller meals at different times and throw some snacks in between , it will ease the eating proccess for you which is the hardest thing.

As for the Lifting part :
The most important thing in building muscle is progressive overload, and that means lifting in higher volume each time , higher volume means more weight lifted overall , either by adding more reps or adding more weight to the plates , researches show that training with 85% of your one rep max stimulates muscle growth the most , meaning lifting weight that you can do 4-6 reps with and no more , start with a weight you can do 4 reps with , and when you reach 6 reps with that weight , add more weight that you can do 4 reps with.
If you gaining strength but not size then you are not eating enough calories or protein.
As for frequency ... training each body part twice a week have been shown to be the better idea and doing more than than will lead to over-training and will tear muscles more than your body can repair and will give you a hard time recovering from.

I hope this has been a help for anyone as i tried to write everything important and essential i can think of at the moment.

If you have any question or need any help in something i didnt include in here feel free to comment here or contact me on facebook: /prasmer

Goodluck to everybody and have a joyful journey , and father forgive me for these gains im about to recieve , Wheymen.

from Forums - Nutrition

Eating clean on road/ hotel rooms?

New job has me on the road all the time. Can usually find a decent gym but how the hell do you eat clean, cook, meal prep etc on the road?

I usually have a mini fridge, a microwave and a little counter space. I've thought about getting a hot plate or George Foreman grill to pack along.

I understand the basics of good nutrition but this is a new challenge.

Any and all ideas welcome.

Thanks, Matt.

from Forums - Nutrition

Extremely busy - how's my diet?

I finally bit the bullet and decided to make the time to work out again after taking a year off due to everything else I have going on. I'm going for maximum efficiency with very minimal time invested, so this is basically what I have going on.

I weigh 5'7" and 195 right now, around 25 percent bodyfat, which I'm trying to reduce but leaning more towards a recomp as I'd like to make some gains in the process.

I take 3 protein shakes a day, 30g each, plus 3 small meals, in which I aim for at least 20g of protein or closer to 30g if I can fit it in. So I'd say I'm getting between 150-180g per day.

My calories are anywhere between maintenance and a 500 kcal deficit, usually on the lower end. My meals consist of quick things like sandwiches, maybe a slice of pizza here or there, and a daily dinner of whatever my wife makes, things like hamburger helper + veggies, spaghetti, tacos, etc.

I am supplementing with a multivitamin to fill any gaps I might have in my micros, fish oil and DHEA, plus the creatine and glutamine already included in my whey powder, so I'm getting the recommended amount of those.

Sorry, I'm too stubborn and pressed for time to count my carbs and fats right now, but I'm getting a pretty good balance of both.

How would you guys rate this in terms of getting the most bang for the buck?

from Forums - Nutrition

Dietary Healthy Good Dietary Bacteria

My question is does it matter if the live bacteria comes from raw foods or already pasteurized foods? Have any of you investigated this area?

from Forums - Nutrition

Canned products - should you account for the net weight or the drained net weight?

Hey everyone,

Every so often I come to the situation where I need to eat some canned product - most notably canned tuna and canned corn.
Both products have specified their net weight and drained net weight.
For example:

Canned tuna - 80g/56g
Canned Corn - 330g/285g

If I consume a whole can of these, having known the nutritional data per 100grams, which value should I be taking into account - the net weight or the drained net weight?
I'm assuming that the fluid in the canned tuna contains calorie rich ingredients like olive oil which kind of makes me lean in the direction of using net weight.

from Forums - Nutrition

How many calories should i eat as a teen runner?

Hey everyone !

I'm 19 years old , 5'7'' and 132lbs , i run at least 8 miles a day and sometimes i push it to 9 miles , i really like to run and i run for trying to get a better time , im performing 8 miles in a hour and 10 minutes !

How many calories should i really need a day ?.... Im eating like 2250 . Thank you !

from Forums - Nutrition

Should I keep bulking? I think I'm starting to get love handles

I'm 6'2 and 195 lb. I want to do a slow bulk up to 200-210 lb, but am getting discouraged about the fat around my mid section.

from Forums - Nutrition

bulking, How am i doing?

Trying to get back on track and start a lean bulk. I started last Sunday (July 22), weigh myself every morning after I wake up/bathroom. I feel like I need to monitor for 2 weeks to get a base weight but wanted to see if anyone notices anything concerning.

Saturday July 21: 158
Sunday July 22: 154.8
Monday July 23: 154.2
Tuesday July 24:154.6
Wednesday July 25: 155.8
Thursday July 26: 155.8
Friday July 27: 157.2
Saturday July 28: 156.4

Saturday July 21: N/A
Sunday July 22: 2,520 (Protein 131g, carbs 282g, fat 103g)
Monday July 23: 2,809 (Protein 97g, carbs 413g, fat 103g)
Tuesday July 24: 2,565 (Protein 129g, carbs 328g, fat 86g)
Wednesday July 25: 2,410 (Protein134g, carbs 275g, fat 95g)
Thursday July 26: 2,620 (Protein 126g, carbs 355g, fat 84g)
Friday July 27: 2,350 (Protein 132g, Carbs 277g, fat 92g)
Saturday July 28: N/A
Average: 2,545/day

from Forums - Nutrition

Maintaince calorie

Hi , i am 21 old 73 kd 184 cm high extreme low body fat i was cutting this summer and now i need to maintaince this summer without gaining fat i am using myfitnesspal now and it says 2800 kcal per day ( the amount increase when i do exercises such as walking..) i dont wanna gain fat just maintaince how can get my acurate calories

from Forums - Nutrition

Eating same amount of calories but now losing weight? Help!

Right okay, so this is something that has been happening over the last 2-3 weeks now so let me give you the background.

I was 138.8Lb on the 03/03/2018
and then on the 14/07/2018 (UK dates) i peeked at 157.2Lb.

I weigh myself only on every Saturday each week.

Now over the lat 2 weeks I have lost 2Lb even when I am eating more or less the same as the last weeks in which have allowed me to gain weight.

So I started trying to gain weight by eating around 2500 calories a day as I used to only intake around 2000. This did nothing so I eventually found that eating 3100 calories a day allowed me to consistently gain weight at around 1Lb per week. Which is how I have been eating for around 2-3 months now.

I work out around 4 times a week for around an hour.

Now I am wanting to continue bulking and not start cutting yet, I track my calories on My Fitness Pal as accurate as I can I always make sure I surpass the 3100 calories everyday. I am still wanting to gain another 10Lb at least before considering cutting. I also have plenty of protein and carbs and fat. Carbs (50%) Protein (25-30%) Fat (20-25%).

So what should I do here? Should I increase my daily calories by another 300 or something or how much more should I increase it by?

It has been extremely hot here in the UK through the past 3 weeks so could the weight loss have something to do with this?

Any ideas on what I should do to continue bulking and putting weight on will be appreciated as quite simply this is starting to get on my nerves. I used to be very skinny and have bulked quite a bit already over the past 4 months, but I am not starting to take backwards steps which I do not want to be doing.

Please help!


from Forums - Nutrition

Best food in southern california

What’s the best food in the LA area?

from Forums - Nutrition

Newbie Here!

Hey guys! I have lost 60 pounds since September of 2017. I followed a low calorie diet until now. I am female, 5’9 and 145 pounds. I am finally at a weight where I want to tone up, and build muscle. Is there a specific diet you all follow, or ratios on protein/carbs/fats?
I am a complete beginner at building muscle and toning. I’ve only done low calorie diets, and I know those are no good when it comes to gaining muscle!

Thanks in advance for your help!

from Forums - Nutrition

Sudden loss of appetite

I been napping 3-4 hrs daily(unusual), get 7 hrs of sleep at night. Sudden loss of appetite, yesterday i couldn't finish my lunch and dinner. Today i ate one bowl of rice and i feel like if i try eating more ill throw up. Also not that hungry too. Been bulking, its like my body is trying to take a break from force feeding or sth. Anyone experience this.

from Forums - Nutrition

What are my macros?

Trying to get lean, lose body fat, get toned and reveal abs. Im 25, 87kg, 5ft 10” on 1500 calories a day. My advised protein intake is 200g approx. But what should my carbs and fat be?

from Forums - Nutrition

Bulking? Opinion from Someone who’s experienced?

So, I’ve managed to put on a little over 20 -25 lbs depending when I weigh coming from 6’2 170 to about 190-195, my lifts have increased greatly and I have developed 4 abs eating clean and meeting calories and macros. I’ve heard the term “clean bulk”. Is that what I’ve done?

from Forums - Nutrition

Food Faceoff: Smoothies 5

Below are 12 Smoothies.

Please choose up to 8 that you like:

Blueberry Banana Chia

Blueberry Muffin

Blueberry Pineapple


Coconut Papaya

Lean Green Breakfast Machine

from Forums - Nutrition