Personal or Professional opinion, just looking for some clarity.

I’m a 102kg, 29 year old, (about to be the big 30) male standing at 186cm. I read, I study and to be honest I think I’ve over read because I honestly don’t know how to approach my goals as the nutritional advice I’ve been following seems to be contradicted by other information I’ve been reading.

So my question is as follows, I’m a bigger guy who is looking to put on size but know that I’m holding approx 30% body fat if not a bit more. For you guys and gals that have gone on to bigger but leaner physiques would you advise to cut down body fat first exclusively? Or is there a different way I should be looking at this? I consume 2,000 calories with a macro split of 40% carbs, 35% protein and 25% fats, keeping my sugar under 60g and my sat fats under 15g as a general aim. I train frequently, probably 3-4 lifting sessions and 3-4 cardio sessions per week (only half hour cardio) I have zero idea how I should be approaching my caloric intake because every calculator is different online and I’ve been told by a couple of fitness professionals that I am close to that the reason I’m struggling for result is consuming to little, which seems counter productive for what my goals are.

As you can see I’m a tad confused but really want to take my training and body to new levels. Any sort of advice on caloric intake and macro breakdown would be great. A big issue I face is having a sedentary office, permanent nightshift job which effects my activity during working hours and my sleep outside of working hours. It’s definitely not an excuse stopping me from progressing but something I’ve been told will play a factor with my challenges ahead.

Thanks for your time and any opinion or info would be great.

from Forums - Nutrition

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