So I’m a 16 year old boy who would like to build more muscle and as fast as possible. I know it won’t happen overnight but I’d like to start to see pretty big changes in the next few months. I use to work out off and on and I used to be overweight. I lost the weight and then gained it back and then lost it again. This is also my first year of high school so I go to the gym as much as I can but it can be hard sometimes if I have a lot of homework. Lately I’ve been going pretty consistently and I am determined to stick with it this time. I am also a wrestler but wrestling season ended not too long ago so I’d like to gain a bunch of muscle before next season. I would say I still have a bit of fat on me but not a lot as I can still see the outline of my upper abs in the morning or after I just work them out. I also believe that I have gynocomastia so that also can give me the appearance that I have man boobs sometimes. Now lately I’ve been going quite consistently and I do see myself starting to move to heavier weights compared to when I started again around 1-2 months ago. I went from doing 15 pounds on each side on bench press to doing 35 pounds on each side for 10 reps and doing that 4 times. My main reason for writing this is I drink whey protein powder only on days I workout and I heard somewhere that I should be drinking it even in rest days to build muscle as fast as possible. Is this true? I also would like to know what type of foods I should be eating that would also help. Another thing is currently my workout plan is doing chest and biceps one day and doing three exercises for each then doing a few exercises for abs. Then I do back and triceps the next day doing the same reps and sets with abs again then finally on the third day doing legs and shoulders once again doing the same reps and abs again. Does this sound like an effective way of maximizing my muscle growth and a good way to work out? My last question is I know to get abs I need to do cardio to burn off the fat preventing my abs from showing and if I have to do that I will but my concern is that I think I may have some loose skin and if I do it’s nothing major but will building muscle help that loose skin tighten up? Thanks for all the help!
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