Losing weight but gaining on waist?!!

Hi all,

I am getting started as a personal trainer and am training a friend of mine for practice.

He was fairly sedentary before we started training about a month ago, although he did train with weights on and off before (never got past the novice/beginner stage). He has the typical skinny fat build (thin limbs but a bit of visible belly fat). His starting stats were 70~ kg @179 cm, with an 81 cm waist. I have started him on Fierce 5 novice, and we decided to do a mini cut first to get rid of a little belly fat before embarking on a longer bulk phase (4-6 months) when we will aim to gain about 1 kg/month while getting stronger.

I structured the mini cut with the aim of losing about 1-2 kg in 3-4 weeks. His maintenance turned out to be quite low to begin with (2100~ kcal). We dropped that to 1600-1700~ kcal for the first week, while keeping protein intake at 2.2 gr/kg. Training has been going well and he is getting stronger on all lifts (I'm aware that it's mostly neural adaptation at this time but he's starting to get out of that phase on some lifts he used to prioritize, e.g. flat bench).

He has given me his weight and waist measurements today. Weight is now 69~ kg, which is basically according to plan, but his waist has inexplicably gone up to 83 cm!!?? I have asked to double check that the measurement is correct, done at the same time of day (first thing in the morning). He had not taken a muscle size measurement before (e.g. bicep flexed) and I have recommended that he does so now.

Still, I really am stumped! How is that even possible that he would lose weight and yet gain on his waist? I'm really hoping it's a case of bloating from water retention, fiber intake, etc. but still I'm perplexed. What do? Any thoughts? Should I have skipped the mini cut and tried to slowly recomp outright? Still, gaining fat while losing weight seems to defy the laws of physiology.

Thanks in advance.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=176824581&goto=newpost


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