Macros 3100 calories
About 175 protein
Fat 75
Carb between 300 and 400
States 135 lbs 15% bodyfat
Working out 3 on 1 off 3 on 1 off
Rep range between 6 and 8
Progressively adding weight
Intensity level..1 in the tank
Not gaining any weight and body fat staying consistent..any advise on what I might be doing wrong. I've always had a metabolism that adjusts very quickly.
About 175 protein
Fat 75
Carb between 300 and 400
States 135 lbs 15% bodyfat
Working out 3 on 1 off 3 on 1 off
Rep range between 6 and 8
Progressively adding weight
Intensity level..1 in the tank
Not gaining any weight and body fat staying consistent..any advise on what I might be doing wrong. I've always had a metabolism that adjusts very quickly.
from Forums - Nutrition
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