How to bulk/build mass?

Sorry if this is the wrong place, or thread etc.

Back story in quick context: slightly overweight, cut with just cardio diet, lost 17lbs in 2 months + most muscle (mistake).

Worked out for 4 months 5x/w, back to 185, strength and muscle gains but not huge size. Understandable only 4 months.

Next part is over 7 months

Bulked - basically just slammed pro gainer a couple times a day, gained weight but not muscle size. Still made lifting increases

Cut because of fat in stomach, still made lifting increases.

My bench is now 4 sets of 205lbs at 5-6 reps.
Started 11 months ago at 95lbs. My 1 rep max is over 225lbs. I'm like half the size of the people doing the same if not less reps at the gym w similiar weight, and I vary rep ranges and weights. (I workout all muscle groups with similar gains, but trying to keep this short).

What gives? Is this a diet thing? Protein intake is averaging at 200g per day. Maintaining 194lbs. Do I need to bulk for size?

Any help would be appreciated.

from Forums - Nutrition

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