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Hitting a lean bulk at 3000 calories, hitting all my macros - let me know if you have any better ideas or if I’m missing something important, it’d be greatly appreciated!

Meal #1 - 7 am
2 cups cooked Oatmeal, Whey Shake, Fish Oil
462 Calories Protein/34.9 Carbs/59.1 Fats/9.6

Meal #2 - 10 am
Medium Banana, 4 boiled Eggs
415 Cals PCF = Protein/26.3 Carbs/28.6 Fats/21.5

Meal #3 - 12:30 pm
2 medium Potatoes, 4 oz Chicken Breast
405 Cals, PCF = Protein/32.9 Carbs/66.4 Fats/6.2

Meal #4 - 3 pm
Whey Shake, 1 oz Almonds, 6 Strawberries, 12 Grapes
348 Cals, PCF = Protein/29.9 Carbs/24.6 Fats/16

Workout - 4pm
BCAA shake

Meal #5 - 6:30-7pm
6 oz Ground Beef (80% lean), 2 cups cooked Rice, 4 oz Salsa, 8 oz Broc****/4oz asparagus
985 cals, PCF = Protein/57.7 Carbs/114.7 Fats/30.9

Meal #6 - 9:30 pm
Casein Protein Shake, Fish Oil tablet, 2 Rice Cakes, 1.5 tbsp Peanut Butter
381 cals, PCF = Protein/28 Carbs/23.7 Fats/15.1

Totals 2996 calories, PCF = 209.7/317.1/99.3

from Forums - Nutrition


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