I've lost the weight... now what?

At my highest weight I was 275 lbs. I'm 6'1" and I've dropped the weight over the period of a year and now I'm hovering around the 185 to 195 range. While losing weight I was lifting daily and I taught myself to really love running too. I was working on about 1500 calories a day - which I've been told repeatedly was reckless, but it gave me the results I was after. Things have changed now though. I shifted into what I thought was kind of "Maintenance Mode" in order to keep the weight off, which I have but I have really struggled to feel good now. I frequently feel weak, or tired, but I am scared out of my mind to get fat again. I'm currently eating 2250 calories (+/-) daily. I was up to 2700 for 3 or so weeks, then dropped to 2500 for a while and now I'm back to 2250.

To be honest, I really don't know what to do anymore. As I mentioned... I'm really scared of putting weight back on again. I'd love some advice.

I work at a desk job for my full time employment, then I have a part time job packing shipments out in a warehouse that I go to for about 4 hours a day 4 days a week. I don't really find much time to workout the way I used to (lifting and running) regularly anymore but I'm active on the weekends, I'll usually ski twice a week in the winter.

I guess my biggest concerns are around this: I have no idea what I need to intake to match my calorie expenditure, and I have no idea what aspects of my diet need to change to make me feel better. I'm always trying to get enough protein... and I think I do a solid job of it.

Has anyone out there found themselves in a similar situation to mine? If so, how have you worked through it?

Thanks - in advance - for any help you can give!

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2ShoXqd


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