Critique my Diet!!! Sustainability, rest days, etc.

The link provided has my almost day by day diet. I try to be as consistent as possible, but I often fall victim to a few calories here and there when I walk through my kitchen throughout my day... I like my trail mixes and fruits. Depending on my work day, I'll have a chicken wrap with x2 chicken for lunch or dinner.

I am 185-190 lbs @ +/-20% BF trying to put on as much lean muscle as possible. I really should cut right now because I do not want to be any higher. I have been working out consistently for about 2 months now.

Any input on my current diet is appreciated. Tips for sustaining a plan, alternatives for certain meals, macro count critiques... Anything that you would change I would like to hear. Also how should this diet change on rest days?

My current diet:

from Forums - Nutrition


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