Help with TDEE

Alright so im 5'8'' 144 pounds currently trying to bulk most TDEE ive tried gave me a maintenance of around 3000 calorie at the highest level of activity.

Im currently eating 3400 calories a day since 3 4 week and maybe gained 1 pound over that time I probably need more but for my height and weight I find it would be a bit much to go at 3500 3600 but I do work a physical job where I lift heavy box 5 nights a week 8 hour per night I also walk 6km most days to get to work from home and go to school plus I workout 4 times a week

Anybody had that issue where the tdee was way lower than what they needed to be?? Btw im no hard gainer ive been fat all my life last year I was 205 pounds so I know I can gain fat and keep it

from Forums - Nutrition


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