Help! Bulk or Cut? Noob Here!

Cut or Bulk?

Between 6/20/18 and 9/20/18 I lost a fair amount of weight (the wrong way, tons of cardio and calorie restriction) about 43lbs.
Had I known when I started that I would end up wanting to build physique and know what I know now (not much BTW) I would not have lost the weight the way I did. But I am where I am now and want to start building a decent physique.

Do I cut or Bulk?

I am a bit hesitant going the bulk route so soon to losing all the weight. I just dont want to get fat again. I have lost the weight before and packed it all back on in the space of about 10 months. I DONT want a repeat. But, I really want to maximize 'noob gains'. So, Bulk or Cut?

I am currently 174 lbs. I am 5 foot 8/9 inch tall (depending on who is measuring. haha)
My Fitindex scale at home has me at 14.5% BF with "athlete mode" turned on and at 20.25% with that mode turned off.
Omron hand scales at the gym have me at ~13%

I currently work out at the gym about 80min/day 5 days a week and have been for the last 5.5 months. Only the last 8 weeks have been strength training, prior to that it was all cardio.

Current split (Mon-Sun) OFF/Push/Pull/OFF/Legs/Push/Pull

Photo is a before and after. Me on 6/20/18 at 218lbs and on 11/6/18 at 175lbs
Attached Images

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