Bringing up an old subject

Meal timing, I know it’s a very long discussed thing, I just was doing some reading and was curious. Specifically I’ve been looking at the effects of eating right before bed on fat/weight gain, I started looking at this when I realized that I myself usually eat a pretty large meal right before bed because of my work schedule. I haven’t noticed any real weight gain (I don’t think), but it got me curious what people think about this.
All of the research I was looking at was saying that eating late typically involves unhealthy choices, and caloric surpluses because of this. What I was curious about is what if you’re eating this massive, yet healthy meal, right before bed?
Let’s say I’ve been at work all day, had a small breakfast and lunch, then come home and I’m 1200 calories short of my daily intake. So I sit down to this massive meal, but the whole thing fits my calories and macros still. Does this have any effect on gaining fat/weight whatsoever? Or is it really true that meal timing doesn’t matter at all so long as you hit your macros?
Again sorry for an old topic, but it was on my mind and I was curious

from Forums - Nutrition


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