Manuka Honey

Hey guys

So I’m trying to understand why Manuka Honey, on many of its labels is labelled as sugar free. For example it may have a huge carb count but then the “of which sugars” tab it says zero. If it is zero then why does it taste so sweet.

I’m in a very, uneducated (myself included as uneducated) debate over the fact that Manuka Honey has a sugar count but the person I’m debating with says that’s the reason it’s so good, because there is no sugar in it...?!?

I’ve read that each teaspoon contains about 15g of sugar but quite honestly I don’t know if I’m right or wrong tbh.

Can anyone please help me as two teaspoons of that a day, on top of all the other foods seems high.

Thanks guys

from Forums - Nutrition


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