In need of meal plan

Stats: 5'7, 120lbs, 15

I've been following ICF for 3 months now and have been having trouble adding weight to the bar, so I made a post about it and they said that the problem was my weight, and that I need to improve my diet. This makes sense, as I don't track calories or macros, I just eat until I feel full. However, I can't seem to find a diet plan that suits my caloric needs. I put my stats into a macro calculator, one of them said I need 438g of carbs, 99g of protein, 80g of fat and 2863 calories per day, and another (the one on this website) said I need 281g of carbs, 187g of protein and 69g of fats per day. It didn't specify the calorie intake. I don't really believe the macro calculator on this website as 187g of protein is a ridiculous amount, and the last time I had a protein shake I got diarrhoea for the next 3 days (not sure if it was because of the protein or the lactose though). All the diet plans I've found are for well above 3000 calories which is obviously too much, so I'd appreciate if someone could show me a meal plan that suits my stats. A few requirements are that I don't eat lunch at home 4 days a week because of my college timetable, so lunch will have to be something I can take with me, and it can't have too much lactose because last time I had a bowl of ice cream my tummy hurt the next day.

from Forums - Nutrition

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