First time cutting is this normal?

Hi guys so this is my first time cutting and it's day 2, i'm on a 2083 total caloric diet by the freediet tool from the stickies the Mifflin St Jeor I have an activity level of 5 which I put because I do 20 minutes of cardio 5 days a week which burns me 250 calories every time. It says for fat loss I need to eat 2083 and its my second day doing that but I'm starving at the end of every day is this normal and is this not a problem? I can definitely feel how this would make me lose weight but i'm wondering if it can give any problems for health or that it's normal to cut weight like this? Now I know why I didn't lose weight because I ate much more than 2083 calories daily.

Thanks guys :)

from Forums - Nutrition

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