Daily intake + Caloric Surplus + Caloric Deficit Training?

Hallo Everyone,

At the moment my weight is around 150 pounds / 69 kg with a 12-13% bodyfat.
I would like to bump it up a little to around 165 pounds / 75 kg with as little as possible % bodyfat, so i can reduce it again before summer time if needed.
MY real question that I have is the following:

MY daily Caloric intake = 2300 (60gr fat / 220gr Pro / 300gr carb )
Surplus to Bulk = +300 calories

When I train, I do full body workouts and I know I'll burn atleast 200 Calories on training days.
So my Question is: Should I eat the 200 that I burn on training more or just stick to my 2600 calories a day training day or no training day.
And is my daily Caloric intake right?

Anyone can give me a good explanation WHY?

Thanks In Advance!
A Newbie Gainer

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2KjCVVK

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