Female Vegan - How to Meet Nutrition Needs & Maintain Metabolic Rate?

Hi! Several years ago, I lost a significant amount of weight/lowered fat% by having simple meals such as broc****, sweet potato, ground turkey dinners and the like.

A year ago, I decided to go vegan and a week ago I started restricting my caloric intake to 1350 (lowest advised based on calculator I've used over the years that has worked). I eat very protein-heavy meals such as quinoa, appropriate amount of nuts, avocado. Berries, spinach, nutritional yeast, tofu, kombucha, protein powder, coconut/olive oils, and various other vegetables are staples of what I eat. As you can see, complex carbohydrates and processed foods have been excluded.

I work out 3 hours a day, every other day - kickboxing, 1 hour cardio, 1 hour weights. I noticed initial significant weight & fat loss (presuming water weight), but also saw both my body fat% and weight kick up a small amount when I went to weigh in yesterday (water weight maintained).

Is this a sign that my body's survival mode has kicked in, my metabolism is slowing and I need to do a refeed? It was the only thing I could guess. I wasn't sure if it was too soon given I'm only a week in. I try to meet my nutritional goal, but it's hard to max out my protein without going over the caloric intake.

Overall, any feedback from folks who are vegan who have successfully lost fat/weight would be greatly appreciated. Or, feedback on whether I should eat meat for this effort instead because it's just not possible otherwise, also appreciated!

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/2Kyhoc6


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