Eating allot, gaining no weight, please help

Hey, would really appreciate some help regarding my current situation. English is not my first language, so please bear with me:)

Im 70 kg, 188 cm (21 years old) and want to gain som muscle, as I have always regarded myself as a very skinny person. I have been working out seriously for about a year, and my weight fluctuated all over the place that first year, when I was bulking my diet was not that good, I gained allot of excess body fat, and when i cutted before summer, I ate to little protein, lost allot of muscle mass and basically ended up, just the way I looked one year earlier. Only thing i gained was expirience and knowledge. So this season I have been really dedicated when it comes to my nutrition.
This season for me started 1. October, so that is almost 2 months ago. I decided to try a clean bulk, meaning I am almost exclusivley eating healthy foods.

I set a daily calorie goal of 3000 (379g carbs, 152g pro, 101g fat), and have been hitting it every weekday for the past 6 weeks, in the weekends i havent been that consistent. Maybe hitting 2500 calories, and sometimes eating frozen pizzas, or consumed a bit too much alcohol.
Apart from that, I am only eating the likes of: Chicken, minced beef, brown rice, brown pasta, vegetabels, tuna, avocado, whole grain bread, peanut butter, almonds, milk, sweet potato and protein shake. I only drink the shake on my two workout days, as i hit my protein goal pretty easily, however, i am struggling to hit my carb goal of 379 g, I usually end up around 330 g crabs, and the rest ends up as too much protein everyday.

I have been eating like never before for 6 weeks now and I havent gained one kg at all, maybe even lost one. I look allot better than I did 6 weeks ago though, my abs are more visible, but i dont know, if that is gained muscle mass or lost body fat.
THE WEIRD thing however, is that I am ALLOT wider, than I was six weeks ago, I have gained 5cm around my waist, 5 cm around my chest and 2cm around my hip, but I havent gained a pound/kg?? Why is that? Am I losing body fat and/or gaining muscle? Is that even possible to achieve at the same time?
I just dont understand why I dont weigh a kg more than I did 6 weeks ago. Do I need to work out more than 2 times per week? Should I really focus on hitting my carb goal, even though its difficult? Do you reccomend long or short brekas in between sets? Is it a big problem that I am not as consistent in the weekends as I should be?

If someone bothered reading the whole thing, thank you for your time, and if you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated:)

from Forums - Nutrition

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