After about 4 years of little to no exercise, I got back to a normal routine starting in April. I lost a lot of weight in April but I feel fatigued toward the end of the day now and want to sleep really early.
I am 6"2". In April I went from 205 to 195 lbs and lost around 3 inches from my waist. At the widest point I am now 37 inches and the narrowest 34. I know I lost a combination of water, fat, and muscle. My target for weight loss is more around waist size than pounds, I'd like to lose weight until at the widest point my waist is 34 inches.
When I weighed myself this morning I was at 193.5 lbs. Based on my activity level below, what would you say my maintenance level for calories is? And is my diet okay? I work in an office environment.
HIIT 3 times a week on an elliptical - about 30 minutes - per the machine I am burning 300 calories.
3 minute warmup
12 intervals - 75 seconds at a fast pace, 60 seconds at a moderate pace
Strength training 3 times week - about 60 minutes - no idea how many calories I'm burning!
3x5 bench press
3x5 standing barbell overhead press
3x5 barbell row
3x5 v bar pulldown
3x5 barbell squats
3x5 romanian deadlifts
2x8 barbell shrugs
2x8 calf presses
2x8 preacher curl
2x8 lying tricep extension
And my diet...I eat the same variation of either of these everyday.
Diet today:
Item Calories Protein Fat Carbs
Bagel 280 9 2 55
Orange Juice 165 3 0 39
110g Avocado 176 2 16 9
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Peanut Butter 200 8 17 5
Yogurt 230 22 11 9
Peanut Butter 200 8 17 5
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Yogurt 230 22 11 9
TOTAL 1841 149 75.5 140
Diet yesterday:
Item Calories Protein Fat Carbs
Bagel 280 9 2 55
Orange Juice 165 3 0 3
Avocado 176 2 16 9
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Yogurt 230 22 11 9
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Turkey 180 22 8 0
Turkey 180 22 8 0
Olive Oil 120 0 14 0
Olive Oil 120 0 14 0
Pasta 210 7 1 41
TOTAL 1901 137 75 159
I am 6"2". In April I went from 205 to 195 lbs and lost around 3 inches from my waist. At the widest point I am now 37 inches and the narrowest 34. I know I lost a combination of water, fat, and muscle. My target for weight loss is more around waist size than pounds, I'd like to lose weight until at the widest point my waist is 34 inches.
When I weighed myself this morning I was at 193.5 lbs. Based on my activity level below, what would you say my maintenance level for calories is? And is my diet okay? I work in an office environment.
HIIT 3 times a week on an elliptical - about 30 minutes - per the machine I am burning 300 calories.
3 minute warmup
12 intervals - 75 seconds at a fast pace, 60 seconds at a moderate pace
Strength training 3 times week - about 60 minutes - no idea how many calories I'm burning!
3x5 bench press
3x5 standing barbell overhead press
3x5 barbell row
3x5 v bar pulldown
3x5 barbell squats
3x5 romanian deadlifts
2x8 barbell shrugs
2x8 calf presses
2x8 preacher curl
2x8 lying tricep extension
And my diet...I eat the same variation of either of these everyday.
Diet today:
Item Calories Protein Fat Carbs
Bagel 280 9 2 55
Orange Juice 165 3 0 39
110g Avocado 176 2 16 9
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Peanut Butter 200 8 17 5
Yogurt 230 22 11 9
Peanut Butter 200 8 17 5
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Yogurt 230 22 11 9
TOTAL 1841 149 75.5 140
Diet yesterday:
Item Calories Protein Fat Carbs
Bagel 280 9 2 55
Orange Juice 165 3 0 3
Avocado 176 2 16 9
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Yogurt 230 22 11 9
Protein Shake 120 25 0.5 3
Turkey 180 22 8 0
Turkey 180 22 8 0
Olive Oil 120 0 14 0
Olive Oil 120 0 14 0
Pasta 210 7 1 41
TOTAL 1901 137 75 159
from Forums - Nutrition
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