Need help with meal planning

Hi, this is my first post so if I broke any rules sorry in advance! Ever since I went back to Canada I gained a lot of weight approx 20 pounds, from 175 to 195. I was abroad in Japan for 3 years and their food was amazing, I only ate soba noodle and sushi everyday but now that I am back home, I started to gain weight as I have been eating a lot of stuff that I missed such as pizzas and tacobell (Japanese taco bell is really meh 4/10 at best) Right now I am planning on going swimming maybe 3 - 4 times a week, but without a good meal exercises arent as effective as I was told. So can anyone help me out with some simple meal planning? I dont mind eating the same food everyday. This is my current basic info if that helps

Age 26
Height 184cm
Weight 195lbs

also I do drink 4 - 6 bottles of water a day (500ml) that should help me cleanse my system daily right(?) Thanks in advance everyone!

edit* I forgot to mention my weight goal is 160lbs.

from Forums - Nutrition

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