Skinny Fat Beginner, please help!

Age 31, Male, Height 5'11, Weight 76kg (165 pounds)

Hi Guys, I've wasted many many years not working out as also not quite sure what to do. Have dabbled in working out but always seem to lose motivation after 3 months. This time is going to be different. My issue is I am skinny (arms, chest, legs etc) but have developed a bit of fat on the chest and especially abdomen (not a massive abdomen but looks more pronounced because I'm skinny elsewhere and have a bit of ant pelvic tilt)

Diet is where I really struggle. I can eat like a horse (3-4K calories a day is easy for me) but not sure whether I should be bulking or cutting or doing something in between. And not sure on how I should be structuring my meals (in terms of macros etc)

I will be doing a beginner programme such as Allpro / Fierce 5. Also not sure how much cardio I need to do?

Thanks so much for all / any advice

from Forums - Nutrition

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