Skinny guy needs help with diet/meal plans

Hey everyone. I have been lifting consistently for around a year now and am finding that I am plateauing with my lifts. I weigh a mere 120lbs and am 5ft 6 at 30 years old. I lift at my local bouldering gym, there is a little power rack there. I started out with stronglifts 5x5, now do a variant of starting strength 3x5. My lifts are:

Squats 3x5 - 170lbs
Bench 3x5 - 130lbs
Overhead Press 3x5 - 90lbs
Deadlift 1x5 - 225lbs
Weighted Chin Ups 3x5 - 40lbs

I used to weigh 130lbs when I did stronglifts. I had to kill myself with eating to get to that weight and really didn't have much more strength than I do now, not much anyway. I felt kinda bloated at that weight and slower, I looked bigger but less agile. I have also started to climb after my lifting (3/4 times a week). I want to know if there are any diets and that for skinny guys that want to get stronger, a bit bigger, but in a slow and healthy way. I also have stayed around these numbers in my lifts for around 4 months now. I know it must be my diet mainly. I mean, I'm open to changing my routine a little but I am limited in terms of different exercises I can do as I only really have the power rack and climbing walls.

Any skinny guys, (or better yet former skinny guys!) know of any good diets to follow? Ideally more protein than carbs. The plan is to look like Bruce Lee. Not Arnie..

from Forums - Nutrition


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